(no subject)

Dec 26, 2006 21:37

So Jess and I hung out today. We went to the mall shopping, and then came back here for a while. Then we decided to go out to the movies, so we saw the Holiday, which was really good. Then she had $20 at Applebee's so we went there for dinner and seriously didn't stop laughing, we had so much fun. We've never laughed so hard. Then we left, and driving on Ridge Rd., our light was red, and the other people from the right of me, were going...so Jess goes to break, and slid into a minivan, at the front of the car on my side. It scared the shit out of both of us. The seatbelt hurt my chest and my knees hit the dashboard...Jess starts freaking out. Then she could hardly breathe. I was terrified. Finally, the police got there and stuff, asked us if we were okay, and they checked Jess. She really had a hard time breathing without taking small breaths and her chest hurt her really bad. So I ended up calling my dad to come get me...the other people called an ambulance for Jess, and the police and EMT/whatever asked me what happened and if I was alright...I couldn't stop crying and shaking. I've never been in a car accident before. I had to sign something and talk to the police, then I sat in her car. While I was waiting, my dad called to see where I was, I was waiting and Jess was in the ambulance, I took her purse to one of the EMT's, and said goodbye to Jess (her parents came right after). I told her to stay strong and she said she would call me and then I said "I love you..." and walked away, crying. Oh my god, every time I replay that in my head my eyes start tearing up. I can't believe this happened. It's such a huge life changing event. Thank God I'm okay... I have no insurance, nothing. I can't even imagine what could've happened...I'm so GLAD she and I are okay. She's at the hospital now, but she'll be home tonight.

Holy crap. Holy crap.

I have to go lay down. Hopefully tomorrow I don't hurt that much.

Edit -- I just talked to Jess on the phone...she just left the hospital, she bruised her sternum so she's getting some pain medicine.
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