(no subject)

Nov 27, 2006 22:47

Today was spent basically doing nothing. I watched Office Space and wrote my Child Development observation paper on Matthewww. I'm waiting for Scott to get home from work and it's past 10:30. I'm really really worried. He usually doesn't get home later than 9...

So my Thanksgiving was good. I have to say the food was the best yet, haha. I didn't end up making the pumpkin bread, for some reason my mom got all annoyed with me and decided to do it herself. But yeahh, Scott and I took a lot of pictures!

Katie, Chels, and I blowing out the candles :)


Scott doing his GQ pose, hehe

Scott took a few of me, and I just kept laughing...

Anddd here are the ones of us!


I look retarded.

Ahahaha, I love it

Disgusting side view of my face, eew

I love the look in Scott's eyes :D

Haha, he's such a goof

Hahaha :)

This is looove ♥

Friday Scott came over. We just hung out, went in the hottub. It was a nice day :) My parents bought a new tv too!
Saturday Scott came over again! Dad put the Christmas tree up, that was really exciting. We went and got some dinner, brought it back, ate. Then Scott, Chels, and I put the ornaments up while listening to Christmas music. (My dad told me I was gay because I suggested we do that :p ) Then we watched The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe. It was pretty good!
Sunday we went out to Lunkfast. Pretty normal Sunday. Scott stopped over because he was working in the area. That made me happy! Dad put the icicle lights up on the house.

Ok, I'm done. But he's still not home :\

Edit-Scott came home at 11:40ish from work, he's fine :)

TOMORROW'S (Wednesday) MY BIRTHDAYYYYY! I'll be 20 xD
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