(no subject)

Aug 11, 2006 17:43

Monday I got up around 11, got ready, packed everything, then we were out of the house by 12:45. We drove to Batavia then we stopped at Bob Evan's to get some lunch. On the way out, I saw this girl with barbels in her ARM :O Oh my gosh, there were like four of them...how could you pierce your arm like that?! Then we continued driving to Niagara Falls...when we got to our hotel we all just kind of sat around for a while, then we went to Clifton Hill and played black light mini golf. I did horribly but that's alright because I still had fun! Then we went in a few stores and walked to Rainforest Cafe. There was a huuuge line to sit down, we ended up waiting an hour before we got seated...in the time in between we sat at the bar and waited like 20 minutes before any bartenders even looked at us. Then when one finally did, he was a big retard. Tim & Chels got icees and they only came in souvenier cups which cost $11 each. How ridiculous is that? Finally we were seated and our waiter was an ass. He didn't even ask Chels or my grandma what they wanted to drink! Dinner was alright, I got Caribe Chicken which is chicken fingers with a coconut sauce on the side. Then for dessert we got the "volcano" which is this huge brownie sundae with a sparkler on it and when they bring it out of the kitchen they yell "VOLCANOOOOO!" After dinner we walked around some more and then went back to the hotel. We called and set up the internet which was $12...and then I went to a casino with my mom and grandma. I ended up winning $42.50 (american)!!! & then I helped my gram win over $100, haha I'm awesome :] Then we went back to the hotel and I talked to Scott then went to bed.

Tuesday we woke up around 11ish...got ready, went to Denny's for breakfast, then Marineland! I had fun there...I got Chels to go on a bunch of "big kid" rides. We went in a small aquarium, I took pictures of seals. We went and looked at the killer whales and the belugas. The belugas are so adorable...too bad it's $4 to pet them! :O Then we went on the rides. Chels get really scared but then she would start laughing hysterically, it was so funny...she made me scared!!! We went on this teacup ride and omg, it hurt so bad...my hip kept hitting this metal bar because we were spinning so fast and we kept sliding around, hahaha. We also fed carp and then looked at bears...they're so funny the way they sit and swim in the water. Then Tim and I went on the rollercoaster and these assholes behind us were screaming "MOTHERFUCKER" on every loop, then they whistled right in my ear. I got really mad and yelled "Dude, what the hell?!" but they didn't hear me...then when we got off I was talking to Tim about them, loudly, and saying how it was rather innapropriate that they were speaking that way, but they had no clue. It pissed me off so much! After that we went to see the deer...we kept chasing one then we decided to stop and we found one that was just standing there so we pet him...did you know that their antlers feel just like velvet? It's awesome!! Then we walked to a restaurant area and sat down for a while before the dolphin/sea lion/walrus show. We went on this pirate ship ride with mom and grandma, and I lost my stomach while my grandma was fine...it was kind of funny. After that we waited a little more and went to watch the show, then we went back to the hotel. I had a fun day :]

Wednesday we had breakfast at Denny's again, haha. After that we went to a few stores, went and checked out the huge waterpark on top of one of the parking garages...it was pretty neat, even though I really don't like waterparks! Then we drove to Buffalo and stopped at the galleria mall. I got this really nice sweatshirt, a pair of jeans, two heart barrettes, and a new belt from Torrid...too bad we don't have one of those at our mall, it's like a division of Hot Topic but it's for girls. The girls working in there were awesome too, very friendly. After that we went in a few more stores then left for home. Man was I tired when we got home...it's sooo nice to be sleeping in my own bed again and not having to share it with Chels, haha.

Yesterday I hung out with Scott. I missed him so much, even though it was only three days...he surprised me with roses!!! It was so cute :D I love himmm.

Today we went out with gram...went to Old Navy and I got a few more things for school. I'm totally set for school, haha. Anddd, tonight I'm hanging out with Scott! Yayy!

Here's some pictures from the trip:

The fallsview from the window by the elevator in our hotel

Too bad the window was so dirty!!!

Blacklight mini golf:

Chelsea, Gram, Mom, Tim

Chels and I

Peace, man

Rock onnn...Tim and I

Chels probably shouldn't have sat on it, haha

I took this when we were walking across the street to Rainforest Cafe

This is the volcano dessert I was talking about, haha

My stamp I got when we went to the casino...(proof that I'm 19 or older)

The raging seas ride

Killer whales...see the baby?! :]


Scott and I:

I love this picture, it's a shame it didn't turn out better!

The roses!!! :D

I appologize for the length of this entry!!
That's all for now.
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