I'm a slow motion accident Lost in coffee rings & fingerprints

Aug 05, 2006 01:32

Wednesday was very uneventful for me...Jess had to be home by 1, so we woke up at 12ish and then she left. I basically cleaned the house and did laundry all day. Then later we went out to dinner to Golden Ponds for this pizza/pasta buffet thing. The pasta was good, but the pizza was kind of nasty.

Thursday was so much fun, oh man. Jess and I hung out at 1 something...we went over to the mall. She got a necklace at Piercing Pagoda, then we went over to the Gap. We got like, 15 (literally) pairs of jeans and went in a fitting room and tried them all on, hahah. She found a pair she liked and was like "I think I might buy these." Then we looked at the price and they were $58. Man, I didn't know the Gap was so gosh darn expensive :O So we left and driving home "London Bridge" came on and I've never heard it (since I don't really listen to the radio). We kept singing the "London London London bridge" part really loud with the windows down, it was fun. Then we went to Tim Horton's and got some lunch. For some reason every time we go through the drive-thru we always crack up when Jess orders :p Then we took it home and ate. It took me around 20 minutes to eat a bagel because we couldn't stop laughing. "How do I drive, you ask? I use my elbows and knees!" We thought up all these crazy ways to order your food in the drive thru. It was reeeally funny. Then Jess went to put her necklace on and realized the clasp was broken so we went back to the mall with Chels. After that we were walking out and we turned the corner and this guy pratically ran into me. So after we passed him I said loud, "WELL! THAT WAS AWKWARD!" hahaha. We went to the pet store after. Jess lost her backing up virginity. I took some pictures of the cute bunnies. We listened to Beverly Hills by Weezer about 3 times...and a bunch of rap/hip hop songs. We'd sing the songs in eachother's faces :p It's funny, because I normally really don't like rap, but if I'm in the car with like, Jess or Suzanne I'll listen to it. We're crazy when we're together, I swear.
Oh, and by the way, Jess is my wonderwall...I told her so, when the song was on the radio :]

Today we went out to the mall with gram. She got my cousin a birthday gift...and we got my mom a pretty earring set for her birthday tomorrow/today. I got a long sweater/tank top to go under it from Old Navy, it actually looks quite decent on me. I also got 2 pairs of undies from Victoria's Secret-one was free because I had a coupon, w00t!

Today was our TEN MONTH ANNIVERSARY :D How exciting is that?! Scott came over later...he bleached his hair and I loove it. We played some badmittion, went swimming, then went downstairs and of course Tim's gotta be down there so we can't even have one second of alone time, which pissed me off. Then he left at 11ish and of course the second we get up to go upstairs, Tim gets off the damn computer :O

So tomorrow=mom's birthday. We're going out to dinner to some place on the lake, and of course Scott's going too.


New necklace from AE ♥

Max was "playing" with Spooky the other day and I wanted to take a picture of it, but he stopped when I got to my camera, so I just took a few pictures of them...



I was pretty darn proud of myself with these ones, hahah

Alright, that's all for today!
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