Sort of a random late night update

Jun 24, 2006 01:27

Last night my stomach was killing me.
Tim and I watched part of Eight Below.
In the middle of it, I go, "I have to brush my teeth, now." So I went in the bathroom and he came in to brush his too. We really shouldn't brush our teeth together...he was rinsing with this flouride rinse we have and I got right in his face and said "I LIKE YO FACE" and he spit the stuff allll over the mirror, it was really funny!!
Then I went to bed, woke up around 12. My stomach was still not good. We cleaned the house, I did some laundry, then we played Mario Kart for about 2 hours. I was invited to go to Scott's sister's graduation party but I still wasn't feeling well. I feel really bad that I didn't go :[
That was basically my day.

I didn't get to say goodnight to Scott tonight, and for some reason whenever we don't say our goodnights I can never fall asleep easily. That's basically the reason why I'm writing in here now, at 1:35 am.
I originally layed down at 11:30ish to go to bed, but I couldn't fall asleep. Oh well, hopefully sleep will come soon, eh?

I miss him, even though I saw him Wednesday. Hopefully I'll get to see him sooon, like tomorrow or Sunday :]

Lately I've been considering cutting my hair short, again. I'd really like it short for the summer, it makes it easier to manage. Not many people like it though, so ehh, who knows?!

Anywho, I'm gonna go attempt to sleep again!
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