(no subject)

Jun 14, 2006 01:26

So I went to the dentist today at 2 and was done at 2:40. It wasn't as bad as I remembered...the fillings, that is. I got there and the assistant goes, "We're doing tooth colored fillings, right?" and I was like, "Nooo, silver." & she's like, "Well let me show you where they are." (Meaning the cavities) So she gives me a mirror and then shows me. I'm like, "Yeah, still silver." You can't see them anyway, and I wouldn't care even if they did. My jaw was killing me..."Open up wider...Open big...Brittany, can you open your mouth real big so I get get all this stuff out?" UGH shut the h* up! The novacaine did hurt a little, but everything else was fine. It was soo weird to have half of my mouth numb! I forgot what that felt like. My mouth didn't un-numb til around 5:30. It still hurts a little right now :[ When I got home my mom looked at my face and goes, "You have little crusties around your mouth..." I put moisturizer on it before I left, but my skin's still all dry around my mouth. Yeckkk.

Even though I have a high tolerance for pain, I have a feeling I'll be a wreck when I have my wisdom teeth taken out...definitely not looking forward to it.

Anyway, I couldn't fall asleep for anything last night, it was terrible. I know it was past 4 before I was sleeping though. My mom woke up in a huge coughing/choking fit, and since my parents' room is right next to mine, that's all I heard for 15 minutes. I wanted to kill her, and I know my dad did too, because he was yelling at her, hahah.

I downloaded a bunch of songs today, I'm finally pleased with the songs I have on my iPod.

Sherree and I are getting together Thursday. I haven't seen her since April, that's insane, and well, unacceptable.

Look at how cute Scott and Lucy are!

(P.s. I stole this picture from Scott)

I get to see him tomorrow, and I'm excited. Even though I saw him Sunday, it feels like it's been longer than 2 days. Ahh, I love him so much :D

Ok, ok, that's it for tonight, I'm gonna try to catch some z's!
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