John Oliver from The Daily Show

Feb 26, 2007 09:32

I admit to being a Daily Show fiend, so when I saw this interview with John Oliver in The Gothamist posted in my other community, thedailyshow, I thought you guys would appreciate it.

Here's a sample:

Prior to moving to America, what was your perception of the US?
My political perception of the US was similar to that of the rest of the planet which was ‘what on earth are you doing?’ To paraphrase Oscar Wilde; ‘To elect him once was unfortunate - to elect him twice was un-fucking-believable’.

How has it changed since the move?
It’s been interesting being on the inside looking out. I don’t think the rest of the world appreciates just how divided this country is. America is presented to us foreigners very much as a united front, which clearly couldn’t be further from the truth. And this is where the current worrying trend of anti-Americanism is fostered - it is too easy to forget that not only do many people here have to live with a president whom they didn’t elect, but they also have to live with the people who did. That this country has not once more erupted into civil war shows admirable restraint. It does seem a shame that some of the most wonderful things this nation was built on - free speech, a questioning of authority, and non conformity have somehow been twisted into being labeled ‘Un-American’.

What are some aspects of American Culture that you enjoy that aren't found in the UK?
You have something here called ‘decent food’ which could really catch on back in the UK if people just gave it a chance.

The rest is here:

us vs. uk, tv, politics, humour

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