R.I.P., Mr. Woozle

Dec 20, 2008 23:07

After a long fight, Mr. Woozle could fight no more. He never bounced back from the bout of E.C.E. he contracted a month ago, though he had good days and bad ones. He beat insulinoma / pancreatic tumors last year, but got terminal liver cancer this year and we all knew it was a matter of time. He spontaneously began bleeding from his rectum, profusely. Needless to say, I was horrified. I called six vets, all of which were closed or unhelpful or too far away. I was able to clean him up and soothe him and make him comfortable, but it was very sudden, and had I driven to the nearest available clinic, he would not have made it there alive, and I could not drive and hold and talk to him at the same time. It was a tough decision to make.

He died in my arms, being cuddled and talked to, and at some point he slipped into a coma, thus was in no apparent pain or distress.

The closest emergency vet was too far for me to get there before their exotic vet was off duty, but they were very kind and helpful, unlike the asses I deal with every time my pets get ill on a weekend down here. They are unsympathetic and unhelpful.

Example one: Last time I called, the girl thought she pushed mute or hold and proceeded to gossip with her friend for fifteen minutes while I was waiting to get help for my sick pet.

Example two: They are supposed to be open 24 hours a day, but I've called them for help twice before where the phone rang, unanswered for hours on end: once for FIVE HOURS STRAIGHT, and once for three.

Example three, tonight: I told the clinic staff girl that I know they don't help exotics, because they don't, alas, but I hoped she'd be able to help me find someone near enough that could. She did answer the phoen with "How can I help you with your pet," after all. After exhibiting a total lack of concern, then saying "all we can do is put him down for you, do you want that or what," she huffed off and gave me the number of a regional exotic animal emergency medicine clinic, which is located in the next state.  Later my friend called to get directions in case euthanasia looked like the kindest option, and the girl couldn't be bothered to give her directions, and answered the phone with a comment like "How can I help you with your DOG or CAT?"

Completely heartless ass of a girl she was, and (as my friend C. proposed) she was probably pissed she had to help someone rather than chit-chat or go on a smoke break. It was not the best situation. My friend is livid and threatening to write Angry Letters To The Editor of the Local Newspaper Exclamation Points ALL CAPS RAEG!!! It was just inexcusable, and there's no one else, so they can be as rude as they please, anyone with a pet in the area who gets sick after office hours is stuck with them.

Mr. Woozle looks like he is asleep, and his peaceful passing was a great comfort. Murphy is stir-crazy, since I've been on death watch on and off all week and am already pie-eyed with fatigue. He ran under the bed and burrowed into the box spring, so although he desperately needs some run around time, he is going to have to wait until I have the energy to run around with him.

I'd been concerned about the stress holiday travel and being away from home would cause Mr. Woozle. I'm devastated that he couldn't stick around with me a little longer, but at least he did not suffer.

I had the presence of mind to take a lot of photos and videos this month, not that they are any substitute, and I am glad about that. He was my very first little ferret guy, and he will be sorely missed.

Some Woozle videos:

Mr. Woozle Meets The New Ferret (meeting Murphy)

The Epic Ferret Guy saga (about his health issues)

ferret, woozle, death, sad

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