Are you smarter than the average American?
1. Name a country that starts with the letter "U".
A. Yugoslavia
B. Utah
C. Utopia
D. United States of America
E. United States of America, Uzbekistan, Uruguay, Uganda, United Arab Emirates (which includes Umn Al Qaiwain), United Kingdom, Ukraine
2. How many sides does a triangle have?
A. Um, four?
B. Five
C. One
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I'm pretty sure it was "Comedy" Central, yes. I think I sat on the remote and was working on something and ignoring the telly, and the fact that the same dude was being unfunny repeatedly with a variety of puppets somehow filtered through enough that I noticed.
Puppets can be cool. This guy? Not so much.
One of the most awesome I've ever seen was one I think K-girl linked me to, a giant "little girl" puppet that ate an ice cream and had to be operated by about a dozen puppeteers. Amazing stuff. And who doesn't have a soft spot for Jim Henson?
Anyhoo... Some of the questions in my quick tardo quiz section were from "Who wants to be a millionaire" contestants (though the moon / peanut / elephant question is an urban legend). Contestants are tested twice to determine intellectual fitness for the show, and yet some folks still bomb out on the first questions.
Surge protector guy was a college student. He said "floods," as in water. The question about what revolves around the Earth was a French 'tard on their version of the show. He used up all three lifelines and still got it wrong, choosing the sun instead of the moon in a 50/50. The parts of speech question was posed to a lawyer (for $300, not $100) and he used poll the audience, 50/50 and phone a friend (his wife teaches English, no less), and STILL fucked up.
Again, people get nervous and second guess themselves. I tend to do rather well when watching Jeopardy! at home, but I lose nothing if I don't phrase my answer as a question or have an incomplete answer or one on the "tip of my brain," so to speak. Being broadcast nationally is a different sitch, and money is involved, as well as pride.
If some guy trots up to you on a public street with a camera, chances are you are fodder for some agenda or another. If you agree to play, and then look stupid, you can't blame editing for all of that.
P.S. Cyfishy LOVES MST3K. :P She should be sensing a disturbance in the Force and coming to investigate soon.
Heh. Yes, I did, but I haven't had time to read the responses in detail. I was skimming to see if anybody called you on Question 6 -- to the best of my knowledge, the White House isn't in ANY state, it's in a place called the District of Columbia, which is Not A State (much to the frustration of the folks who live there.)
Unless I've got that wrong? But that's where I was under the impression it was.
Will read and respond in more detail later. Must go to work now.
I believe he implied that Virginia was correct (specifically northern Virginia). In truth, Washington DC was planned to include land from the state of Maryland and the then-Commonwealth of Virginia.
This precise and most nerdly response didn't make the list, somehow. Eups.
I remember most of the stuff you've said to me, bunnyhed, 'cause you're my friend. :P
Though I suppose that IS pretty remarkable, because I have a brain like a sieve at times.
Guess what? I got to hold a teeny little opossum baby Wednesday! Her name is Daisy. So cute! She wrapped her little tail around my wrists and tried to climb into my shirt and sleeves (and to eat nasty dried chewing gum on the floor). Turns out that opossums have quite soft fur. Adorable. (Then again, I may be biased. I was cooing over a Norway (wild) rat, snakes, and a baby gator as well. :P)
Going to see DD tonight. Woohoo! K x
Funny thing was when I took the kids who missed seeing the bigger possum (Blossom) in her cage, she was not there and the two guys both nearly lost their shit (ZOMFG, Opossum on the LOOSE! RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!), so I went to the counter to ask if there was something the staff should know about the AWOL 'possum.
Blossom was just visiting so visitors could see one up close, she's hand-raised to be tame and friendly, and was back in her normal habitat, and Daisy was there so I could hold her. :P
I think they thought I had gotten eaten by Blossom and came to investigate, and found me with a possum crawling on me. The girl stayed and held Daisy, too, and the guys were both like, um, I have, erm, a class to get to, kthanxbai, see you later (vapor trail). Ha!
P.S. How was DD? Deetz, plz. :)
P.P.S. Depressed all weekend, me. Very, very. Bad news. Only one person out of eight that I know of passed the 45 Hour Review, and that person wasn't me or any of my close buds. Tragedy! Currently trying to figure out what my options are. "Slit wrists like an emo loser" is on the list of options, but fortunately is WAI far down at the bottom, somewhere below "run away, join circus as Fat Lady," "get prescription for Wellbutrin and keep plugging away" and "become professional Psychic Friend," so, no worries. :P Will talk with my professor buddy Monday and make plans for action. Maybe there's such a thing as an appeal process.
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