Are you smarter than the average American?
1. Name a country that starts with the letter "U".
A. Yugoslavia
B. Utah
C. Utopia
D. United States of America
E. United States of America, Uzbekistan, Uruguay, Uganda, United Arab Emirates (which includes Umn Al Qaiwain), United Kingdom, Ukraine
2. How many sides does a triangle have?
A. Um, four?
B. Five
C. One
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Just from a precursory look at the people interviewed in that video, I'd say that very few to none of them would even know what Google is. Several of them looked homeless. I think I'd have been more persuaded by the Chaser team's argument if they'd interviewed kids on a college campus, or at least people who appeared to be halfway intelligent.
Also, if you're watching some 'tard with puppets who comes on and proceeds to be completely unfunny for a half hour, you're probably watching a Comedy Central special, but if you're watching some 'tard with puppets who comes on and proceeds to be completely *funny* for an hour and a half, that's Mystery Science Theater 3000. It's good to know the difference.
Heh. Yes, I did, but I haven't had time to read the responses in detail. I was skimming to see if anybody called you on Question 6 -- to the best of my knowledge, the White House isn't in ANY state, it's in a place called the District of Columbia, which is Not A State (much to the frustration of the folks who live there.)
Unless I've got that wrong? But that's where I was under the impression it was.
Will read and respond in more detail later. Must go to work now.
I believe he implied that Virginia was correct (specifically northern Virginia). In truth, Washington DC was planned to include land from the state of Maryland and the then-Commonwealth of Virginia.
This precise and most nerdly response didn't make the list, somehow. Eups.
I remember most of the stuff you've said to me, bunnyhed, 'cause you're my friend. :P
Though I suppose that IS pretty remarkable, because I have a brain like a sieve at times.
Guess what? I got to hold a teeny little opossum baby Wednesday! Her name is Daisy. So cute! She wrapped her little tail around my wrists and tried to climb into my shirt and sleeves (and to eat nasty dried chewing gum on the floor). Turns out that opossums have quite soft fur. Adorable. (Then again, I may be biased. I was cooing over a Norway (wild) rat, snakes, and a baby gator as well. :P)
Going to see DD tonight. Woohoo! K x
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