LiveJournal goes kerplooey, END OF THE WORLD, *plotz!*

May 31, 2007 15:12

Yeah, yeah, everyone knows about it.

LJ page-loading has slowed to a crawl, complete with time outs and errors.

Fandom_wank over at JournalFen are collectively creaming their panties with delight at all the delicious wank.

So LJ was bought by 6Apart, and we thought the worst thing would we the farking advertisements. Oh, BTW, use Firefox and AdBlocker. I never see a one.

So a right-wing neo-Conservative "God Hates Fags"-style militant Christian group called Warriors For Innocence get their panties in a huge wad over some LJ communities. A pro-Christianity / anti-theocracy LJ group dark_christian discusses WFI. They are not best pleased, nor impressed.

These are some of the goals of the Theocratic Right (taken from Religious Right Watch):

*the destruction of the independence of Church and State
*the dismantling of all government social programs in order to place their duties into the domain of religious organizations and churches
*the reversal of the women’s rights movement, including its gains relative to reproductive choice
*the criminalization of (and the censoring of discussions concerning, artistic depictions of, or education about) any kind of consensual sexual activity that isn’t between husband and wife
*the outlawing of the teaching of evolution
*the limiting of sex education in public schools to abstinence-only options (i.e. the withholding of practical and medically important information about safe sex)
*the imposition of sweeping so-called “decency standards,” and
*the weakening of the third branch of U.S. government--an independent judiciary.

Many of these things might sound very familiar to you, having been in the news. Now you know where they're coming from, and why.

Here is Scott Isebrand's definition of Dominionism:

Dominionism: A religio-political movement with pervasive influence in the Christian Right that stresses the need for Christians to exercise dominion--control--over both the natural world and human institutions. As it is chiefly an American phenomenon, dominionism's practical manifestation is in promoting the ideal of or actively working towards gaining control of political and governmental institutions and processes in the United States. Dominionism's adherents are typicaly conservative Protestants, including conservative evangelicals and Fundamentalists. As is the case with many though not all members of the Christian Right, most people ascribing to and influenced by dominionism insist that the United States was founded as a Christian nation, (see "Is America a 'Christian Nation'") therefore they see their efforts as a Christian reclamation of American society.

And here, in their own words, is their ultimate goal:

"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.
But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice.
It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.
It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time.
It is dominion we are after.
World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And we must never settle for anything less...
Thus, Christian politics has as its primary intent the conquest of the land -- of men, families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments for the Kingdom of Christ."
--George Grant, in his book, "The Changing of the Guard: Biblical Principles for Political Action"

Then people start reporting Spyware infestations after visiting the WFI site.

Then 6Apart tells everyone on the planet EXCEPT LiveJournal users WTF they did, and other websites wank over it, furiously.

Then, eventually, they issue a "Whoops, our bad" statement.

And there are approximately 46,983 new LJ icons Stating The Obvious (fiction is not reality) or fussing about censorship, The Great Strikeout Of 2007, WFI, and pretty much anything else you can imagine.

No wonder it has been nearly impossible to log on today. Jeebus Krispies.

LJ user
catrinella has done a good job of summing the situation up,m but I have had repeated difficulty getting to her LJ blog. For that reason alone, I am reposting her information. (Let me repeat that: this is NOT the result of my hard work, it is all
catrinella's hard work. I just have a much lower-traffic LJ blog, and some curious people on my F'list may be able to see the information here more easily than there. If you have no problem accessing
catrinella's blog, you should go there for the latest updates.)

Last updated 3:50 PM EST 5/31/2007. CHECK ioldanach's post here: MASS REINSTATEMENTS, INCLUDING pornish_pixies! Thank you, SA/LJ and barakb25, for keeping your word. See also Barak's new post in news: all fandom LJs, fiction LJs, and LJs only with problem profiles (including survivor journals) are being reinstated right now.

Please note that I'm not able to answer every comment, but I'm reading them all I am currently not receiving email comments for at least a 2 hour delay and linking what's provided in the appropriate sections of this post. --cat.

Important: for more information about the reports of malware installations after visiting the WFI site, go here and here.

Welcome. This post is an attempt to consolidate information about Six Apart/ LiveJournal's decision to "permanently suspend" user accounts and communities for Terms of Service violations related to illegal sexual activity. The decisions to suspend appear to have been linked to user interest entries containing particular words, regardless of whether the account/comm advocated such behavior, described it in fiction (fannish or original), or discussed the realities of surviving sexual abuse. I wish this post to be an accurate and neutral resource. While I am obviously unhappy with SA/LJ's chosen method to manage this situation, I ask visitors and commenters to focus on the facts when posting here.

Feel free to update comments as you learn of suspended journals and comms, hear a rumor you'd like to have verified/debunked, or have anything else to share. Links to this post are OK.
  • If you are commenting with links to suspended comms or user accounts, please let me know if these are RL accounts or fandom ones. I track them separately, and I don't always have the time to go hunting.
  • Before reporting a suspended comm, check to see if it's already been reported.
  • SA/LJ staffers: your confirmations/debunkings or comments are welcome. Email me if you'd prefer.
    Please know how much I appreciate your help in compiling this list, and your general polite interaction on my LJ. And thanks to all who've linked this post on their LJs, on fandom_wank, and elsewhere! ♥ ♥ ♥

    Below the jump, you'll find a bulleted list of info points and sections for deleted LJs, current best practices, and links. As of the morning of 5/30, I have divided the links into Information, Technological, and Advocacy sections.

    [NOTE: Some usernames and community names listed below may be offensive to you. Activities described in these LJs may be offensive to you. You know your own tolerances, OK? Thanks.]

  • LJ is sending form letters to community and account owners explaining the reason for permanent suspension (related to user interests). PLEASE NOTE that they are being helpful and giving community owners a tool to download all posts to the community, which helps a great deal in restoring lost material. Please do not blame the LJ Abuse team, who are mostly volunteers and who are charged with managing cleanup after what appears to have been a decision at higher levels.

  • The group Warriors For Innocence is claiming responsibility for the SA/LJ decision. Although I previously had a link to WFI that redirected through, I am no longer linking them due to their declared IP tracking and associated LJ user concern about having the URL listed here. Google is your friend should you wish to know more. FYI: For more information about the reports of malware installations after visiting WFI's site, see here and here.
  • Please note that I do not have proof that Warriors for Innocence is the cause of the deletions; we simply do not know whether SA/LJ's decision was caused by WFI, made in spite of WFI, or some blend of the two, and therefore I am reluctant to say that WFI caused this situation. Economic boycotts are effective protest tools, whether used by people with whom we agree or by those with whom we disagree; WFI claims to have placed economic pressure on SA/LJ, but we have no proof that their actions and the permanent suspensions are related. Remember that coincidence and chronology are not causality.
  • is also tracking deleted LJs. At least one of the people listed as a contributor to this blog is also listed as a contributor to WFI. Note that fandom journals are on their list of deleted LJs, including pornish_pixies - since LJ has not posted a comprehensive list of deleted LJs, it is my understanding that only the person(s) who filed complaints would know that these journals were being targeted.

  • DEBUNKED: the claim that multiple survivor communities were suspended. People, this isn't true. Yes, individual survivor journals were deleted (two have been noted in comments here, one by its owner and the other by people who knew the owner, although she has not posted here). I have not seen a suspended comm named here that was explicitly a survivor comm; one anon commenter did say that her comm, intended for teens to ask question about sex, was deleted, but she did not name the comm. Please stop repeating this. I've seen it on Slashdot, Digg, Fark, and all over LJ. I'm not listing suspended survivor comms, as there aren't any - I do separate out RL comms, but the ones I currently have listed are legitimate targets. Sensationalizing the situation further doesn't help. Thanks.
  • DEBUNKED: that Perverted Justice is involved, at least on the fandom angle. They work with law enforcement to target actual illegal sexual abuse/activity. Their cases are prosecutable and verifiable. I've removed them from the paragraph above. While they have targeted LJ journals in the recent past, they have posted about this on their front page and they do not have kind words for SA/LJ. It's the second item in the middle column, so you'll have to scroll.
  • DEBUNKED: Rumor that all accounts with "pedophilia"/"paedophilia" as a user interest were deleted. I also checked "incest" and "rape" along with other user interests that describe illegal activity (I ignored comms/LJs that were clearly survivor-oriented).
  • DEBUNKED: Rumor that fandom_wank was deleted as part of this situation. In fact, fandom_wank has been over at JournalFen for several years:

  • A user reports that some of her user interests disappeared, although she did not delete them herself. I would appreciate more information from kinenbi or from any other users who have experienced this. [Appears to have affected more than one user. The interests reported to be removed are "yaoi", "yuri", and "yazoo". Unclear if other interests have also been removed without the journal owner's involvement.]
  • The owner/moderator of uesugicest reports that the LJ has been deleted (and the message associated with user deletion appears on the comm profile). She did not delete the comm, and it does not appear in her dropdown at
  • The owner/moderator of letterstonapoli also reports that s/he did not delete the journal, but it appears as deleted and purged on the profile. (Do we know the date of the last LJ account purge?)

  • Clarification on LJ support comms: suggestions is for new services, not for comments (have edited the Advocacy section below). To dispute your own deleted journal, contact the LJ Abuse Team at To give general feedback about the situation, email to [My thanks to the anonymous commenter for the clarification.]


  • The story's broken into the mainstream media. CNET reports a conversation with Barak Berkowitz, Six Apart CEO & chairman, and also links to this post, here.
  • BoingBoing:
  • AnimeNewsNetwork:
  • Firefox News:
  • Metafilter: [NOTE: anildash says "Listen, we know and love that one of our core communities is the plethora of fen that flourish on LJ. Hell, half of our volunteers and team members actively participate in fandom. We're not going to every deliberately do anything to endanger that. But we do make human mistakes from time to time, especially when we're under the gun to Do Something To Protect The Children." Significantly different from that we saw in the CNET story.]
  • Fark:
  • Slashdot:
  • Digg:

  • I have not yet had the block of free time necessary to import all the LJs listed on the pedoblogtracker blog (cited above in the WFI section) into this section. ioldanach has done so here at innocence_jihad - my thanks to him for the link and for his work in extracting the data.

  • Deleted vs. Suspended: To determine whether an account has been permanently suspended by SA/LJ or has been deleted by the comm/LJ owner, go to the account's userinfo page. If the account has been self-deleted, you will see the message "This journal has been deleted." If the account has been suspended by LJ, you will see the message "This account has been either temporarily or permanently suspended.". Some community/account owners are voluntarily deleting until more information is available and this situation eases toward resolution. You may also be able to hover your mouse over the icon in a deleted username to see a pop-up with the LJ's current status.

  • Fandom/fiction/text communities currently permanently suspended as of 1:40 AM EST 5/31/2007: ageplaywithsex, afamilyaffair, artsnarry, boysfuckingboys, brokenboys, fetishconfess, heterocest, incestories, lol_porn, lolita07, ____loli_lovin, master_badtouch, porn_debate, pornish_pixies, rape_porn, razorblade_jinx, resident_pervs, riddle_torture, sbrb_blackcest, shota, sugarmamas, violentboylove, we_nympholepts, wonkaslash.

  • RL communities currently permanently suspended as of 12:04 PM EST 5/30/2007: childlove, disgusting_lust, ljincest, incestuouslove, and little_children. If groups listed in the preceding paragraph belong in this list instead, please let me know - I'd like to keep fannish and RL groups separate so as not to perpetuate the problem.

  • Individual user accounts currently permanently suspended as of 1:30 AM EST 5/31/2007: 1strangeman, athena2693, brygid, cannibaldearest, cybermuffinx, daddies_toy, elgorgo, fuckable_angel, homenudist, kiota, littlegirllover, joelovesaznz, k9time, lynntownsend, malakijr, malewhosucksdog, mattybear, mordoz_valois, nepipeo, onewavebreaks, pushtyber, rayathn, rend_asunder, seri_sama, shivabrazil, takowasabi, terislave, tommy_the_goat, xandercage2006, xironfistx, xdaddysgirl19x, yaoi_slut. [NOTE: This list contains fandom journals, survivor journals, and consenting-adult ageplay journals, as well as RL journals that describe/seek illegal sexual activity (the apparent target of this action). Because individual journals often wander between topics, unlike communities formed for a particular purpose, I am not breaking this down as I did for comms.]

  • RPG character journals currently permanently suspended as of 1:40 AM EST 5/31/2007: boot2thehead & seventhsnake (player journals for the lightning_war RPG - see ataniell93's LJ for details), ogata (game = bnf_brawl).

  • bookshop would like to hear from owners of permanently suspended journals and communities in order to coordinate a response from directly affected users.

  • Remove or edit your user interests, or at least the ones that are obvious triggers (incest, pedophilia, child molestation, rape, etc.). This includes other languages; "shota" was reputedly a trigger interest for at least one suspended account. [NOTE: Please don't ask if a particular interest should be removed. We don't know the list of trigger interests, and it's highly unlikely that SA/LJ would release that information.]

  • Remove userpics that advocate or illustrate potentially troublesome practices. While userpics are not part of the current situation, last year's breastfeeding-icon debate is a reminder that visual images resonate very strongly for a large number of LJ users.

  • For those who posted to deleted communities and did not save a copy of their posts: the text of the post should have been included in emailed comments made to the post. If you received, but did not delete, emailed comments, you should still have a copy. Check your email - AOL and Gmail, in particular, do not delete old messages unless you explicitly delete them or turn off mail archiving [AOL only]. If you have lost fic, ask your beta if s/he has a copy in inbox or sent-mail. [Thanks to thermidor, heidi8, and others for this reminder.

    Separated into three sections: Information, Technology, and Advocacy.

    Information (fabulous post re: Warriors) ( liz_marcs follow-up) (another tracking post) (Abuse response to ataniell93) (Abuse response to Femme)
    Abuse response to mod of lolita07, the Spanish-language Nabokov comm (reconnecting people moving to GJ) (fandom people moving to GJ)

    Alternate LJ-style sites: GreatestJournal and JournalFen. NOTE: JournalFen is currently closed to new free accounts. The only way to get a free account right now appears to be getting a friend with a paid JournalFen account to set up a new account for you. To buy an account, go here. JournalFen is 18+ only.

    Technology (LJ backup for Windows) (Web-based backup to PDF - not just for Macs, but for all!) (Mac-friendly backup; see also xjournal. The resulting file is stored at ~/Library/Application Support/Xjournal/History.plist) ( antennapedia has written a wonderful how-to for extracting your LJ posts from the XJournal XML output file. Thank you!) (yet another Mac option) (Linux LJ backup!) (LJ's tool is cross-platform) (Paid and Permanent members only) (Comm security settings)

    fandomuhaul (feed for the GJ community below) (collecting responses from Abuse [screened]) (ongoing discussion) (ongoing discussion) (reasoned and calm objections in the comments) (ongoing discussion) (complaints that make a difference) (a poll: will you renew?) (advocacy/infor Facebook group) (compiling a list of SA/LJ advertisers) (survivor post) (survivor post) (multifandom friending meme) (ongoing discussion of TOS)

  • Many folks appear to be deleting their user interests and supplying only one: "freedom of speech".

  • Holy freakin' drama, Batman.

    If you want to play detective too, a tool that may help is LJ Find.

    This almost overshadows all the Sims 2 bullcrap going down.

    For more on that, go to my Sims 2-related blog,
    Latest: LyricLee attempts dome revisionist history. Lulz ensue.

    slashout, wfi, controvery, drama

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