just chillin

Jun 29, 2005 03:13

Well i got my PT Cruiser...i love it. It's so cute. Wood grain on the sides, navy blue, and it has leather seats. It has a sunroof too which rocks soooo i'm happy. I still never found out who called me the other day...kinda freaky, but whatcha gonna do ya know...i really don't care anymore. Went to New Orleans last night...was the designated driver...but it was still fun. At about 4 am it got to be a little boring cause there weren't many people there so my friends were nice, even though they were drunk, and agreed to leave. We went to celebrate Thad's b-day cause it is on the 30th...he had fun there and some more on the way home ; )...I still don't know what to get him...i'm so last minute. My cousin's b-day is fri. so we are gonna go back to the big NO and party it up with him...fun stuff! I got to see Steph the other day and i was excited. It was fun...we went eat at copeland's and then went to target...bought a few things, but not much. Crystal saw one of her old boyfriends and freaked out. We had to hide her so he wouldn't see. It was hilarious! Steph leaves on sat : ( i will be sad, but happy too that she is able to get away. sooooooo i guess i will go now because marti is leaning over my shoulder aggravating the piss out of me...later bitches!
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