
May 01, 2020 20:34

Fic, Sam/Dean

Love That's Gonna Break Me In Two, NC-17.
Dean gets drunk. Sex ensues. Sam is walking a little funny the next day.

Dire Times, R.
“That bastard!”
“It’s Henriksen. I think he tracked me down online.”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, man, my LJ just got suspended!”

Or Die Trying, NC-17.
"I think we did it wrong."

Famous Last Words, R.
Bedtime Stories. "Dude, could you be more gay?"

See More, Hear More, Feel More, NC-17.
Dean goes to the movies and his heterosexuality is imperiled.

Me and the Devil Blues, R.
It’s been nine months since the hellhounds dragged Dean into the Pit, and Sam drives along the coast highway with an empty passenger seat beside him. He hums along to Black Sabbath in the tape deck-Dean’s music, not his, but Sam learned to make concessions a long time ago.

Bury My Body Down By the Highway Side, NC-17.
Sequel to Me and the Devil Blues.

What Happens to a Dream Deferred, NC-17.
AU. Sam never goes to Stanford.

Night, R.
4x04. They haven't slept in the same bed since Dean's first day back from hell.

The Air Moves in to Fill the Spaces Where My Body's Been, NC-17. Sam/Dean and Sam/OFCs.
It's not about Dean. Really.

The Frightened Inch Between Our Skins, NC-17. Sam/Dean, Sam/OFCs, Sam/OMC.
Sequel to The Air Moves in to Fill the Spaces Where My Body's Been.

A man with his insides out and his outsides off, NC-17.
They say there are only two stories in the world: man goes on a journey, and stranger comes to town.

Looks On Tempests, PG.
This is how Sam spends his birthday:

When I Fall Asleep It Is Your Eyes That Close, NC-17.
Dean is happy.

Instruction, R.
For kink meme prompt "public, gentle d/s".

Centuries of stony sleep were vexed to nightmare, NC-17. Sam/Dean, Dean/OFC, Sam/OFC, Sam/Dean/OFC.
All things considered, the Antichrist hasn't been so bad.

Dulce et Decorum Est [the mustard gas remix], R.
For kamikazeremix. Sam saves Dean. Dean saves Sam.

... by a rocking cradle, NC-17. Sam/Dean, Sam/Dean/OFC, Sam/OFC, Dean/OFC.
Sequel to Centuries of stony sleep were vexed to nightmare.

The King of Imperfections Takes Back the Prince of Mistakes, NC-17.
And they lived happily ever after.

Together with a roof right over our heads (we'll share the shelter of my single bed), PG.
The year Sam is seventeen, they spend a summer in backwoods Vermont while Dad is dealing with the angry ghost of Robert Frost (and earning the undying enmity of the local historical society in the process.)

Dictionary for a Dead Language, NC-17.
For spn_j2_bigbang. Under mysterious circumstances bitterly disputed by the historians, Sam Winchester said yes to Lucifer. Three years later, Lucifer is gone and the familiar landscape that the Winchesters once traversed is a burnt-out ruin of its former self - not to mention the damage done to Lucifer's vessel. Trapped in a grotesque parody of domestic bliss with a brother he no longer recognizes, a shell-shocked Dean has no reason to believe that happy endings exist for men like the Winchesters.

All Right, Mr. De Mille, NC-17, also Sam/OMC, Dean/OFC. Always-a-girl!Sam.
Sam's thighs are controversial. They're a matter of public debate.

He wasn't there again today (I wish, I wish he'd go away), PG.
The story of that year.

My Soul Look Back And Wonder, R.
Dean gets his Sam back.

For a season there must be pain, PG.
Twenty years, and they've made a life.

The Thirteenth Door, PG.
Sam never did have an itch he didn't scratch.

Like Luggage of Some Departed Traveller, NC-17, Sam/Dean/Jess and various permutations thereof.
For spn_j2_bigbang. Rogue wildlife attacks? Check. Virulent, incurable pandemic? Double check. Relentless string of natural disasters? Check, check, check. Dean's got it hard enough dealing with the collapse of modern society, so imagine his dismay when he goes to Stanford Law to fetch the brother he's been painfully in love with for most of his life and finds that brother happily married. When Sam, Dean, and Jess set off across the country to find their dad, it's all they can do just to stay alive, much less stay true to each other.

Fic, Gen

Pink, PG-13.
It's all Sam's fault he's wearing pink. So Sam can just stop laughing.

We Were Breathing Fogs in the Cold Night Air, PG.

It got really bad for a while the year Dean was nine. When the money ran out and the scams dried up and there were no friends in sight because-well, because John Winchester didn't have friends.

Fire of Unknown Origin, R.
Pre-series Sam and his psychic mojo.

The world is spinning (but I'm not afraid), PG.
Too many treks across too many states, breathing in the dust of the Midwest, seeing too many lives falling apart-they've left their mark.

Linger Till Dawn, PG-13.
Sure, Dean feels guilty. Not like it was a picnic having Sam tromping around in Dean's head, dreams like a soft underbelly exposed. But when Sam's coordination goes, slowing his reaction time on the hunt and nearly getting them both killed, guilt or no guilt, Dean has to do something.

Another Morn Than Ours, PG.
It's almost sunrise. Dean needs to wake up.

Such A Clean Machine, PG-13.
Throughout their lives, Sam's made plenty of cracks about Dean and the Impala getting a room, and really sometimes feels that Dean's love for the car is borderline inappropriate. There are these stains on the seats, see ... but that's not important.

Violation, PG-13.
Dean/Spoilers, non-con.

The Exponent of Breath, PG.
Coda to 4x22. LOVE is anterior to life / Posterior to death / Initial of creation, and / The exponent of breath.

Shiver, PG.
Sam's not immune to the Croatoan virus after all.

Absence, R.
Sam is losing one sense at a time.

Three foggy mornings and one rainy day (will rot the best birch fence a man can build), PG.
Mary Winchester has one son.

On Ice, PG-13.
AU from 6x01.

my fic

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