Title: The Frightened Inch Between Our Skins
Britomart_isRating: NC-17
Pairings: Sam/Dean, Sam/OFC, Sam/OMC
Words: 5720
Notes: Follows
The Air Moves In To Fill the Spaces Where My Body’s Been. Read that first.
Thanks to
clex-monkie89 for being my second set of eyes and to
girlmostlikely for her porn-enabling and general awesomeness.
Summary: So, now that Dean knows what Sam’
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Comments 263
I am seriously SO SORRY. I totally spaced!
Anyway, I am soooooo glad you wrote this story. The first was absolutely amazing all on its own, and such an original idea, but this was absolutely the icing on the cake. I usually don't like threesomes in fic, but it worked SO well here. And Dean jerking off over Sam but not touching him - GUH. We all know how pretty Sam's back is. Hahaha.
Seriously, SO SORRY about not giving you timely feedback! You're amazing and this is totally hot. And I love how it ends a little shmoopy, because it's all so rooted in sex before that, and that surprising flip to tenderness and genuine affection is what really seals the deal.
There should be odes written to Sam's back. Actually, Dean wrote one when he was twenty.
Glad the schmoop didn't seem out of place! Struck me as the logical conclusion - they could have all the sex in the world, but until they got a little hearts-in-eyes sappy, would never have what they really wanted.
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You are the bestest enabler ever. And see, I can write schmoop! I can! Pre-S4 ficathon, WILL HAPPEN. Uh, someday.
*spins you in circles*
... I got nothing. Holy fucking shit, it's like you reached into my head and served up my favourite kink on a silver platter. Slow-roasted UST with a side order of schmoop, Jesus.
Well, I'm psychic, y'know.
I'm a big fan of slooooowly developing UST, so I'm glad you are, too! Wouldn't want it to feel too drawn out. And yeaaaaah, schmoop ... I just like the boys all in love.
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