
Aug 08, 2011 20:44

I am housesitting on the beach (I know, my life is so hard, feel sad for me) and taking care of a very sweet, pampered dog. So it's kind of my job for the moment to stay in one place and have no life. Internet is spotty so I'm mostly 1) bored, 2) reading everything on the bookshelves, and 3) walking the dog more than she probably needs.

'Why are you telling me this, you crazy person?' I hear you asking. Well, friend, I am telling you this because if there has ever, EVER been a time when I'm available to beta, it's now. Please feel free to send me things, whether I've previously beta'd for you or not and whether you know me personally or not. Ping me. Don't be shy. Save me from spending three weeks doing nothing but reading the complete works of Eugene O'Neill while petting a dog with my feet.

To The Lovely Lady To Whom I Already Owe A Read-Through On Multiple Stories (She Knows Who She Is): Haven't forgotten. They're upcoming. You are awesome.

PS. A bonus contest! What is happening out-of-frame in my mood icon? Best response wins acclaim and a free unicorn*.

*Free unicorn contingent upon existence of unicorns.
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