Hi Mark Sheppard! TWO Mark Sheppards! I think this is the first identical interrogation I've ever seen.
I hope you appreciate how much effort I've gone to to find something that can actually hurt you.
Would've been cheaper to drop a castle on you.
I have no standards at this point. Does this make sense? Maybe, maybe not. But there's Mark Sheppard spouting witty one-liners, that's really all I ask.
Oh, so it's one of those decapitation-before-the-credits episodes, eh?
I also kind of enjoy them snarking with the demons. I have rosemary cake and hard cider, guys, it's all good.
Wait, what?
Heyyyy, it's disappearing!Sam? Dean is so used to it by now. He's just like, goddamnit.
Oh no, it's unconscious!Sam!
Okay, Sam is huge, what'd they hit him with, Texas?
I love Meg. But I miss old Meg. But I'm open to new Meg. Doing my best. Open mind.
Ahahahaha Sam snickering at Meg. Sam, you look very attractive with that intentional pin-lighting in your eyes. Makes 'em all shiny.
"It's what I'd do."
Hugs and puppies all around!
I think if I were more invested in this episode I might be really critical of the writing. Good thing I'm still focusing on how good-looking the Winchesters are.
Unf, roboSam is hot when he's calculating and devious.
And hilarious when he's "praying" to Castiel. Ahahahahaha ark of the covenant. "That was the plot of Raiders."
Ahahaha "and I don't sleep". Keep arguing, weird robot characters, it's cool.
"I owe you a chicken dinner."
Every time Mitch Pileggi comes onscreen I start looking for David Duchovny, sorry.
Commercial breeeeeeeak! This cake is amazing, guys. I keep making cakes, and then my roommates and all our visitors have to eat them. I think it works out. How's SPN doing this season? I feel so out of the loop. Oooooh, ad with Katie Cassidy! I miss Katie Cassidy. I watched Harper's Island for her, that's dedication.
Show is back! With no David Duchovny.
I'm trying to care more about the family drama with Sampa but mostly I want SamnDean to be playing footsie.
OMFG. Mary? MARY? HOLY FUCK. I love it.
If she actually did come back as a major character, I would piss myself. In a good way. I'm rooting for that development. SAMPA. Suddenly I actually am invested in you! \o/
Deeeeeeeeeeeeean, you look pretty. Learn from our mistakes. Achilles heel. Is this news?
Lookit that, Show actually got my attention back and got me caring! Go Show!
Is Cas watching porn? HA. HE IS. "Perhaps she has done something wrong."
... oh god. I need to leave now.
Hi Sampa and ominous music! When did Sampa find out about Cas? Ugh, haven't been paying attention this season.
Glad they gave Sampa an actual human (and very Winchester) motivation.
You boys have serious abandonment issues, you know that?
Surprise, surprise, roboSam is stabbing things!
I like how low new!Meg's voice is!
My GOD Castiel's one outfit must smell. Does he stand naked in the laundromat while he cleans it? Does the holiness radiate off of him and purify his BO?
I'm not sure retrieving Sam's soul is wise. I want him to survive. Sam's soul has been locked in the cafe with Michael and Lucifer for more than a year, and they have nothing to do but take their frustrations out on him, you understand?
I mean, he could be fine? THEN YOU FIGURE IT OUT.
<3<3 Dean I love yoooooooouuuuuuuuuu. A LOT.
Is Cas suggesting that the more compassionate route is to leave Sam's soul to be tortured FOREVER?
Is this our last episode before winter hiatus? I'm nervous.
Ugh, Sam, just STOP IT. You are TOO ATTRACTIVE.
Heyyyyy hellhounds! Dean's old buddies! Better than Yorkies? Those things are vicious.
They're advertising the CIA during SPN again! Wigs me out.
WAIT who's getting dragged by hellhounds? Just demons?
... why is Meg groping Castiel?
Um. That's weirdly hot. They're up against a wall. What the fuck is even going on?
I think Meg should join them and they should be a crime-fighting teeeeeeeeeeam.
Oh, Sampa. Ahahahahaha that's like the third Dick Cheney joke on this show.
Demons are so slow at killing people. Total violation of the Evil Overlord rules.
Yaaaaaaaaay Meg survived. I heart yoooooooou Meg. Oh fuck. Complications. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it's ... that other Campbell!
Awwww, they have adjoining prison cells.
"I'm standing in pee!" "Consider yourself lucky!"
It was her or Sam, and you chose Sam.
I'm the guy you never want to see again. Cause I'll make it out of here, trust me.
UNF Dean. Never change. <3
Oooooh, is roboSam gonna cleverly save him?
Why is it only the girls who get naked when they're tortured? Fuck you, CW. Fuck. you.
I hope Meg kicks some ass.
HOLY FUCK is Sam drinking his own blood???? FANON BECOMES CANON.
Demons are so incapable of just KILLING their mortal enemies. No wonder they've failed at taking over the world.
Got distracted during that commercial break by the Supernatural Wiki's vernacular section after googling "Sampa" to see if anyone else used it & would understand me.
Ehehehehehehe demon force field? Dripping blood?
God damn I love these boys.
No reeeeeeeeeeally I need Meg to kick some ass. I love her a lot.
Probably not even the worst thing that ever happened to her (true).
Crowley's a bit out of the loop, eh?
Do we know who that girl is? From the tattoos I'm guessing djinn?
Sam really likes hitting people in the head with a pipe.
To what do I owe the reacharound?
Sam's so preeeeeeeeeeeetty. His brother's not bad, either.
I was lucky to get this much of you out.
Satan's got one juicy source of entertainment in there.
Aaaand the boys are slammed into walls. Just like old times.
Haven't seen you all season. You the cavalry now?
What's in the gift bag? You are. NICCCCCCCCCCCCCCE. NIIIIIIIIIIICE.
Aaaand there's a slow clap. Bored. Too many people. Too many twists.
WHOA. There goes Crowley. It must be a pain in the ass for Misha Collins to maintain that exact level of stubble all the time.
Fucccckkkk there are rapping hamsters. I hate you, commercial break.
It's not going well for me upstairs. I wish circumstances were different.
I wonder what that building is!
... did they just send Cas off to KILL all the imprisoned monsters? What the fuck?
Awwww, now roboSam doesn't want to unrobo himself.
You don't know what you're saying. No, I'm saying something you don't like.
BAH I agree Sam, don't walk away. That's never good. It leads to scarecrows and apple pies that totally aren't worth it. Unless they have a lot of cinnamon. And the good kind of crust.
ETA: I just noticed that I misspelled "cage" as "cafe" earlier, but I'm leaving it for the sheer joy I get from the image of Sam, Lucifer, and Michael, locked in a little cafe, sniping at each other over pain au chocolat and tea sandwiches.
Um, so, those were some deep thoughts.