Supes 6x0whateveritis ... 8?

Nov 13, 2010 19:56

Reasons I love this throwaway-ish episode:

0.5) Nekkid Sam in previouslies!
1) You'd sell your brother for a dollar right now if you really wanted a soda
2) Sam is beautiful
3) Suzie Eiser from biology class (FIC NOW FIC NOW FIC NOWWWW OR I WILL)
4) Sam is still his brother, and gonna prove it to him
5) Mouth-breathing dickbags
7) Let me get dressed, Robocop
8) Sam can tell what you're sweating
9) "No, we make sure." "Really?"
10) The completely over-the-top rumble the Impala makes
11) Is this goal of this to make us all really uncomfortable with our German Shepherds?
12) "Last werewolf was in bed. With ME. And she wolfed out."
13) Sam stands creepily in the playground, watching through the window. He sees a German Shepherd. He sees a naked dude. He looks shocked and intrigued. "What are they DOING? That poor DOG." He grabs binoculars to watch better.
14) Dear Sam, nice jump! Too bad you are chasing the weaselier version of Taylor Lautner.
15) Dean's phone contacts list is the most depressing thing ever.
17) ... are they seriously gonna ice an (ostensibly) injured (ostensible) dog at the back room at the vet's?
18) What? Soul or not, that's funny.
19) Sam is adorable when he taunts dangerous mythological creatures. His little faaaaaaaaaace.
20) Already been. Didn't agree with me.
21) "Yeah, that's a real step up." "Well it was for me."
22) Ahahahahahahaha, Sam is such a gleeful little psycho.
23) Sam's hair is pretty. And Dean's ... everything ... is pretty.
24) I continue to interpret Dean's rage over "NOT SAM" as a good thing (OTP-wise). Things that are Sam = good, things that are not Sam = bad. He wants all the Sam. (Also, Sam, no matter what he says in the future, now you know Dean doesn't just love you for your Gigantor Body.)
25) Dean with a sniper rifle just makes me really twitchy and unhappy because it makes me think of Simon Says.
27) Seeing Jared shoot a dog is really weird.
28) Yeah dude, you murdered three people she knows. You DO deserve that. You don't get a pass for being unassuming and bringing the kid a squeaker toy.
29) I would like to note that their takeout is from an establishment called the Beef Barn. (Coincidentally, also the name of the porno Sam starred in to pay his college tuition.)
30) Earlier I thought Sam's hair was pretty. Now I think it is a MULLET. It is an ACTUAL MULLET.
31) "I was that other Sam for a long time. And it was kinda harder. But there are also things about it that I remember, I. Let's just say, I should probably go back to being him." ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
32) Dean wants his brother baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! He wants him back so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!
33) This episode has been brought to you by the letters O, T, and P

In other news:
1) Saw the new Harry Potter this morning. \o/
2) Spent last night eating gourmet grilled cheese and drinking forestry/camping themed cocktails \o/
3) Tonight I make Mexican food and watch Paranormal Activity 2. \o/

episodic squee

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