Hiiiii show! It's the recap o' manpain!
Sigh, recaps always give so much away.
Ew ew ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. EWWWW.
Hi shirtless Dean! Awwww, our only glimpse of
situp noises!
I'm just enjoying the shirtlessness and confused by the hooker.
Thank you thank you wardrobe budget for running out on episode 3!
No scene change! Scene change might mean shirts!
I don't like redshirt cop as much as I like noshirt Sam
Ahahahaha Dean on the phone with Ben. I kinda love it.
Awww, Sam making a crack about mileage. Little bit of his old self? Liiiiittle?
UNF, suits. The workout scene has me primed, I'm going to be awful awful awful all episode.
Sam's lips are very ... pink.
Ehehehehehe car battle. Wonder how long Sam's car will stick it out. Maybe it'll be violently destroyed. YES HE WAS RACING.
Eek? Scratched out faces are rarely a promising sign.
No face!
Ew again. EW AGAIN.
I wanna know if those are actually locusts. And if so, if there is a dedicated Locust Wrangler on set for this episode.
... Sam in plaid.
I told you I'd be awful this episode. Plaid. Forearms! Faaaaaaace.
It's commercial break. I'm just going to spend the next two and a half minutes thinking about the sounds Sam makes when he exercises, okay? Okay.
"I wasn't going to mention it" *cackles**
Hell = taking one for the team. Winchesterspeak.
Deeeeeeeeeeeean. Thank you for yelling at Cas on Sam's behalf!
DEAD SERIOUS: I think we can rule Moses out as a suspect.
Nukes are loose! Alpha monsters! They're really setting thsmelves up for the season.
Sam's hair is bothering me. He needs me to brush it into place for him.
*patpats Castiel and his rusty people skills*
Crap, people, do we need to affix your souls to your bodies like clipping kids' mittens onto their sleeves? For fuck's sake!
Cas, that's super-awkward.
My boredom level rises a degree of magnitude with each additional angel in the room.
Commercial break/remembering Sam's grunty noises/beer-fetching time!
So the angels are scrapping it out for homecoming king. They ALL WANT THE TIARA. They WILL HAVE IT.
"I need myrrh." That is just an enjoyable line.
Sigh, why do you always use the palm of the hand? It's like the ONE place you could get blood from that will actually impede your functioning.
Dean: still bowlegged.
Ooooh loving the buildup here with distant music and toads. Not so much the lame lighting.
Okay, I ship these two a bit, insofar as I'm capable of shipping angels.
I liiiike Balthazar. He's non-boring! Grab something valuable and fake your own death. Jump on the beds. Menage a twelve. Bite me.
Awwww, Cas has angelpain. Why won't any of you listen? Sibling squabbles! With knives!
"Look at my junk"? I really do love Balthazar a LOT. A LOOOOOOOOOOOOT. Please don't kill him off, he makes things less lame!
"In this economy?" :D :D
What souls are worth, what power they hold
I am drinking my delicious beer too quickly. I blame Sam Winchester's abdominal muscles.
N'awwwww, Ben's costume is a wendigo. And Sam's response is "accurate!"
Are you okay?
Boys, your communication skills suck.
Sam, I think you are really, really fucked up right now.
I think if he legitimately didn't care, somewhere, he wouldn't bother covering it up.
Saaaaaaaaam. You are pretty. And have issues. That is why Dean is making his face o' concern. Also so that they can have a track in for a closeup on Dean's pretty stoic angsty face at the end.
The promo was for multiple upcoming episodes, right? Not just next week?
Noooowwwwww ... I need to go tutor a grad student in writing. For those following along at home, no, I did not go to grad school myself. I'm not sure how this happened.
(Also, yes, I meet my students at a diner at 10pm on Friday nights. Shut up. It works. Imma get a milkshake.)