Supernatural, Episode 5x10 part deux

Nov 20, 2009 00:44

Ahahahahaha, poor excuse for a crossroads. What does it mean that I've actually considered before how much effort it would take to find a non-paved crossroads in LA. (In my defense, it was with regards to filming locations.)
♥ male crossroads demons. Still bitter that one male one didn't make out with Sam.
"cling to six decades of deep-seated homophobia"

Did anyone else have the urge to make a huge uncut post saying "OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY CONVINCED THE NETWORK TO LET THEM SHOW A GAY KISS!"

"Even as we speak it's ... going ... down."

Crowley with his music (what is that?) and Nazis. And Mark Sheppard-ness.

HI JO HI. You're pretty. But I want to feed you a sandwich.
How much do I LOVE her working together with the Winchesters for once? Even if it amounts to her using her sexuality/being a victim and them flashing weapons around. :-|

Hardy Boys.
When exactly did they have time to spray-paint sigils under his rug?
I enjoy seeing a demon in casual terms, waving the door shut.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee working with demons.
"But I forgot, you two at best are functional morons."
"You're-- functioning ... morons ... mor ..." Dean's retort!fail, awwww.
Filthy bags of pus.
Simpler, better times.
"I'm in SALES, damnit!"

Ehehehehe such an anticlimactic handover of the Colt. Love it.
"THREE, how about you DON'T MISS, OKAY?"

Ellen doing shots with Castiel. Would've loved it more if he'd finished all the shots, then fallen over. (Human body, but no human knowledge of physical limits.)

"Thank you again for your continued support."
"You're welcome."
Awwwwwww, they make their seething unresolved issues seem so functional.

Since when have we ever done anything smart?

"Haven't we learned a damn thing? If we're going to do this, we're gonna do it together."

Hi Sam, you're pretty.

Dean, you dog. "Good God. True that."
Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaannnnn. How can you have had so much time practicing these lines and still be SO BAD AT IT? I suppose he's just so pretty that people are willing to fuck him now matter how unsmooth he is, so he never has to learn.
"Are you giving me the Last Night On Earth Speech?"
"What? No."
I heart you, Jo. Sweetheart. Self-respect. Cute smile.

Awwwwwwwwww, Bobby taking the photo. Seems kinda OOC, but I love it enough that I don't care.

Anti-God is Anti-American, right next to Adult Videos sign. I wish to shake your hand, SPN set-dresser.
I really enjoy the way they're using cuts for Castiel's disappearances.

(But why are they all men?)
I love that they're all facing the same direction and waiting.

"Jesus Saves" on the hotel sign. Hotel sign, I think several characters on this show would like to dispute that claim.

"Hello, brother." And LIGHT.
*dies of awesome* Lucifeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Oh man, remember when the Reapers were, like, the scariest Big Bad out there, short of the YED. Remember when the YED was the Biggest of the Big Bads.

Mark Pellegrino, I approve.
"I'm told you came here in an automobile [...] What was that like?"
"Um. Slow. Confining."
"Nick is wearing a bit thin, I'm afraid." Oh man, so many of his lines, I can imagine so clearly how a lesser performer would have delivered them, and I'm even more grateful for how restrained he's being.

I rebelled, I was cast out, you rebelled, you were cast out.
So who's writing the fic where Castiel does become the new Public Enemy #1?

"I suppose you will."
So not all the angel-brothers actually know each other personally.

HI MEG. "Deano"!
Hell-hounds around Deano, dirty pool.
Wasn't her father Azazel?
Apparently these are rather slow Hell-hounds. Not Hell-Whippets.
This is not going to end well.
All right, I'm already prematurely mourning. She's a good character and a woman, two counts against her.

Part of me wonders if they fucked up Bobby's mobility just because it keeps him out of the action so he won't get killed off.
Awwww, Jensen Ackles. You're kinda good at expressing emotional pain. (Though Alyson Hannigan can still make me sob more with a single lip quiver. JFC.)
They're lucky they took cover in a hardware store instead of a McDonalds.

"Hell, I've died several times myself." (♪"Hey, I've died twiiiiiice!"♫)

So, Sam and Dean should build a boat. And put a zoo on it. And sail around together. And then there'll be doves and shit.

I enjoy Meg's unrepentant nastiness. Though honestly, the way we're seeing her right now does not mesh with the intelligence and independence we saw in BUaBS. (Speaking of which, I recently rewatched BUaBS, and daaaaamn. Jared was really, really good in that. I struggle to think of an episode in which he impressed me more.)

Can we be realistic about this, please?
Jo, you are one badass hunter. Priorities straight.
The bomb thing is totally another Good Omens reference.
Are the hellhounds just answering to anyone now? They're very fickle pets.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. At the same time, I feel like the hero-sacrificies-for-greater-good plot point is a really powerful one, but I also get really tired of women selflessly sacrificing themselves.
"This might literally be your last chance to treat me like an adult." *weeps that Jo's story arc of recognition and adulthood and heroism comes to this*

See you on the other side.
Both of those kisses KILLED me.
I am really, really sad that I can't imagine a future for canon!Jo, now. I really wanted her to survive the apocalypse so I could think about where she'd end up.

"You got me, Jo."
Will not leave you here alone.

God, the arm around Jo's shoulders.
All comes down to love.
Together in the end.

Tearing up a little here. Okay, a lot.
I love the way they frame it - Jo's hand is still on the detonator, and Ellen's just goes over her hand. They press it together; Ellen does when Jo can't.
Hellhound breath blowing against her
Would've worked better for me without her final line of dialogue. Silence would've worked.

Last words?
I think I'm good.
Yeah. Me too.

"Here goes nothing" with 9 minutes left in the episode? Not good.

You wanted to see me?


Ahahahaha, best "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww" ever. :D :D

What are the other 4 things it can't kill? Sam, Dean, Sam and Dean's love for each other, and cockroaches?

"I don't know, Sam. I think it will. And I think it'll happen soon. Within 6 months. And I think it'll happen in Detroit."
CREEPTASTIC. (Also, just Kripked my fic, fuckers.)

I'm not afraid of Sam's anger anymore. I feel like we've kinda been there. He's learned things.

... I am so dumb, it took me until now to realize that he's filling in a mass grave.
I like Lucifer more when he's sincere than when he's snarky.
"I have to do this. I have to." <-- dude, Lucifer has not been watching this show at all. Tune in, buddy. Fate is not the winner in this one.

You of all people should understand.
Guys, I think a really NEW and COMPLETELY UNFORESEEN parallel is about to be drawn here. WHAT COULD IT BE?
Loved, idolized. Begged. Stand with me. Freak. Monster. Mind of my own.
GASP. Are they saying Sam has something in common with Lucifer's psychodrama.

Okay, c'mon, people. Chanting makes EVERYONE sound fucking ridiculous. It's like Lucifer's a teenage Wiccan trying to hold a seance with his high school buddies.

They're just demons.

Castiel's strategies seem to involve a lot of unscrewing bolts.

"Your god may be a deadbeat, but mine walks the earth." Heard that one before.

Doesn't seem to be very good differentiation between powers Castiel's lost and those he still has. Are they just diminishing gradually?

"Oh, hellooooo, Death."

Why do they burn the photo? Wasn't that kind of the point of taking it, in case people died horribly?

Man, Jo and Ellen's death was one of the most effective dramatic moments in the series for me. Glad for that, at least.

Augh, hiatus episodes. Always killer.

episodic squee, episodic fucking trauma

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