A beer in one hand, the radio blasting, My old needs I won't recognize, 'Cause I'm Over You

Apr 11, 2004 20:01

easter shouldnt even be like..a holiday. my family just gets cocked out of their minds, its a bore. i went and picked up laura today :-D i almost killed this old man on the way there. i forget to use my blinker and its funny cause i usually use my blinker every other time, even when it isnt necessay(pulling out of driveway:*blinker*) oh welll. i get el liscense in one month and 2 weeks, word yo, word. yeah so me and lc watched home videos, it was GREAT. i had such a weak childhood. this weeeekend was eee-ventful. friday...me alysson mairead and lc went to forty. Andy Garabiedijeden (andyslawn) brought us there. (random, im aware) yah i got into the car and he scared me out cause his huge eyeballs were in my face. hes a fucken spazzzzz. he starts banging his head against the wheel and going AHHHHH IM GONNA SHITT MYSELF!!!! and we listened to sonny and cher on the way there. yah so hes allll happy and shit on the way there then he drops us off and is like.."ok :-D, GET THE FUCK OUT !!!!"im like, ah....so then we went up the hill to catch a pail of water. jk. but we did go up the hill. then i made gaytay fill my cup cause im a sped keggaaa. yah so then things are starting to look up, me and andy are singing the golden girls theme song and only the good die young, while macca is doing the robot, yah and everything's just peaches and cream. then this chickkyyy comes over and is like yooo my friend is down there and she says the cops are on their way up. and im like yooo YOU DONT EVEN GO TO OUR SCHOOL. she probably did, but i didnt know her so i decided to be a bitch to her. 5 minutes later im like OMGGG MY CUP IS EMPTY GIES *slowly turns around* OMGGG ITS A COP GIES!!!:-D...definitly one of my top 10 most faggy-ish moments ever. their were like 5 cops and they werent even doing anything, they were just standing there with their flashlights shining them in people's faces. so everyone starts screaming cops and starting running down the hill. ok, it definitly reminded me of fucken jumangi. their were like 60 people running me over. i tried to stay with the girls, so i wouldnt die alone. i also felt like i was on titantic because people were just throwing themselves downhill. i found myself stepping on bodies and everything. i must of killed someone, i had to of. their was this one steep hill and i fucken flewwww down it on my ass into a fucken tree. god dammiittt. this fat chick was like HELPP MEE DOWNNN, i was like..excuse me?its everyone for themselves, nigga. so yah SOME of us made it down the hill, with many cuts and bruises, may i add. it sucked cause we ended up on the south lowell side of the hill, so we had to attempt to jog back to belvidere. it ended up being me laura mairead gt christine and doyle, oh and alyson grenham was walking with us, but she wasnt totally alert of everything, so i duno. we lost bamm, which was a bummer. mairead was going to have a heart attack when she was on the phone with bamm (while me and laura are laughing and telling each other how glad we are that we are together, safe and sound) ahhahaha we're scummmm. yah so we began walking to belvi and fucken ANDYSLAWN SHOWS UP AND SAVES THE DAYY!!!woooo. he drove us to wendys and their were mad cops surrounding that joint so hes like AHHHH drive thru!!!!(girly voice) and their like.."wendy's, may i help you".."hes like ahhh one SMALL diet pepsi, omg thank u darlingggg" haha close-fucken-call. then he dropped us off and picked up bamm. woop. Classssic.
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