Dec 15, 2002 06:38
Dan just came in with my laptop. I wanted to write this while I can. I'm still pretty exhausted from last night. I'm amazed that they are here already. I'm amazed this happened. I talked to Jayce last night about my back. He was like you know what that normally means right? I did but I didn't think it was time for that. I had another full month to go.
Dan kept after me about it last night when we got home. I insisted that I was fine. I'm pretty stubborn like that. Eventually he did call Dr. Maxwell and we were on our way to the hospital. A few hours later and our little girls were born.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you all we were having twins. It was a shock to both of us when we found out ourselves. Dan kept saying "Twins" repeatedly for nearly an hour after we found it. It seems Rachel liked to hide behind her sister for the first time we saw Morgan. At that time we were unable to hear the heartbeat because of a malfunction in the machine at the time. My 5 month check up they did another ultrasound. There she was for both of us to see this time around.
I decided to keep it a secret for awhile just to say surprise. *laughs*
They brought my girls to me a couple hours ago. Dan had went home to change and take a shower before coming back here to stay with me. We had a little mother/daughters bonding time. They laid there looking up at me with this little frown on their faces as I talked to them. I told them how much Dan and I loved them and just what their presents meant to us. I told them about each family member they had. Extended as well. ;-) Then I told them to nevermind Daddy, they can date when the time comes, not when they are 30. *laughs*
Dan and I decided to pick two sets of godparents. So I picked out Rachel's and Dan's going to pick out Morgan's. I asked Lance and Christina a few weeks ago. They both said yes so I'm happy about that. I can tell right now that these girls are going to be so spoilt rotten. They are the most beatiful creatures that I'm sure where ever created. I'm not a proud Momma or anything. *laughs*
I'm hoping that a few of you will come to see us. I'm kinda eager to show my girls off. To my friends and family only of course. The press is not going to get a look at them for a long long time. I want them to not have to grow up with the flash of a camera in there faces everytime they breathe. That is unless it's mine. ;-)
They won't be able to come home for a few weeks yet. They are premature after all. I'm going to cry and cry when it's time for me to go and they have to stay behind. I'll be practically living at the hospital during that time. If I'm missing at all, you will know exactly where to find me.
I'm going to get some more sleep. They will be bringing the girls back in here in a few hours for their next feeding. I have to get sleep when I can.