Sep 13, 2005 17:18
He reached out and pulled her close. Their hearts were beating fast and tensions were high. He kissed her forehead and said “I’m sorry”, for what she didn’t know. They hugged, she cried, they kissed for the first time.
Only once.
Nerves relaxed, a connection was made, an unspoken desire was formed in their eyes, they sighed…they kissed again.
Only once.
It was only supposed to be one kiss, one time. Only once. “We can’t do this, she’s still with him. It’s not right.”. The wind blew, the birds chirped, the traffic passed in the distance, and there was only them. “I’m sorry” he said, “I’m sorry”. She kissed him lightly and held him close and said “I’m sorry too”.
Only once.
They got up and walked away from their sitting place deep in thought about what just happened. “It felt so right, but she’s still with him. It’s not fair to her.” Full of doubt, mixed with mutual feelings they saw each other again. After time, she fell asleep and awoke next to him.
“Hello baby,” she said and they kissed good morning.
Only once.
My only one.