In case you don't know this about me, I daydream a lot. And today in Economics class with my professor talking about supply-side vs demand side economics...I was bored. So I started thinking about the world of fanfic and how the fans can basically write any scenario they want involving BB. However, for me at least, fanfic is not enough. There are some scenes that I wish we could see on Bones.
I have to give credit to
ama_blue's awesome fic
'Hospital Corners' for number one, and
nothing_b_bones's equally awesome fic
'Venturing into the Unknown' for number four.
Here is my list.
BB and Squint Squad Scenarios:
1. B/B at a formal event together- I decided that I need a scene all about Booth and Brennan dressed up a formal event DANCING TOGETHER. I think it was because I was yearning for this in Hero in the Hold. But it never happened.
2. Booth kissing Brennan on the forehead- I think this could be really adorable and affectionate. To me, a kiss on the forehead says that you care about someone in a protective way.
3. Career Day- Come on, who doesn't want to see Parker bring in his dad and his dad's fabulous partner on Career Day? Me thinks hilarity would ensue.
4. BB on a Partners' Retreat- Because I've been intrigued about what could possibly happen if Booth and Brennan were forced to go on a Partners Retreat in some remote area of the woods where they have to talk about their ~feelings.
5. Brennan sick- Because nothing could be more awesome when Brennan is at a weak point and doesn't want to be weak. And who would be there for her?? *Booth*
6. More stuff with Brennan's book being made into a movie- How awesome would it be for the Squints to go to the Hollywood Premiere of the movie based on Brennan's novel?? OMG THE AWESOMENESS.
7. More Brennan/Cam scenes- I love their dynamic. I think it's fantastic that they are the same in many ways, often clashing, but they are also very different. And they have really warmed to each other over the seasons. Their relationship has some very nice moments.
8. More Booth/Hodgins- OMG I love them too. They're just too funny, the 'guy-guys'. Do you remember that
scene in Intern in the Incinerator where Booth went to Hodgins for girl advice? And Hodgins LAUGHED at him? I WANT MORE LIKE THAT.
9. ZACK!- Obviously, I think most people would enjoy having more Zack on the show, maybe some scenes
of the Squints visiting him??
10. BB discussing Booth's fake-death- I need this scene badly. I think it has the potential for a floodstorm of emotion and unresolved drama. AND it could be sooo good.
11. PARKER- I need more Parker, because that kid is the best. And I want to see Brennan interact with Parker more.
12. Remember Wong Foo's? Whatever happened to that place?
13. Booth feeding Brennan- This would be a sure sign of their intimacy. THANKS WRITERS YOU'RE ON MY AWESOME LIST.
LOL, if I think of more I'll post them. More importantly, do you guys have a wishlist?
This post is brought to you by Dr. Temperance 'Awesome' Brennan, because even she knows how lucky she is to be working with Booth.