This morning I slaved over a hot oven from 7 to 11, making 3 batches of cookies shaped like hearts and teapots, of which only one batch came out. Also, a dozen cupcakes for a potluck this morning. Only 1 cupcake and 1 cookie was subtracted from the plate. So I've been on a rant about it.
I passed my permit test yesterday and only missed 3 as opposed to 10. I still didn't really study though so I don't know. Time to start driving, at such a wonderful time too. When gas is spiking up near 4.50 now. I won't even want to drive anywhere once I'm able to. It'll never come down.
I went to the dentist and I have to get my wisdom teeth out, I'm not down with those sorts of things. Those sorts of people.
I took a jar of change in to coinstar and got 30 bucks out of it, and then I went to Logo's and blew it all on a few books. Siddhartha by herman hesse, the old man and the sea by hemingway, and a classification book for fish, and I think another but I don't remember.
pictures under the cut of my bake goods and all of the books on display
Some of the above are mine.