Dude Dude Dude!I might as well move to tokyo and go along with the whole harajuku thing that they got over there because at the moment well,nah I can't say at the moment because I've been crazy for the tokyo harajuku gothic lolli style for a while now.I love Gwen Stefani as well she's inspired me through fashion and lyrically.My mum also loves her style and calls gwen her fashion Icon.well,isn't Gwen Everyone Else's Fashion Icon.=)Crazy about Andy Warhol and his Pop-Art Paintings?you bet I am.
I gotta say thanks to Andy warhol for creating such amazing Pop-Art Paintings that inspire not me but,everyone else today.I have to admit that I am totally Inspired through it,that was why I was so happy when I found out that my favorite Brand Paul Frank Collaborated with the whole andy warhol thing.I know,I know I love Everything.
Purses handbags.Its on.I just got hooked on Tokidoki for Lesportsac Handbags.why?The Designs are so out there and crazy and well Detailed that It's addicting.I just started to be a fan of these bags not too long ago.man my legs are sore for running track in London.