So I just got back from ‘Stories Before Bedtime,’ that Tom Hiddleston was in. Aslfkjf, no words, just amazing. He did the performance in a flawless Tennessee accent and it was amazing. You would never believe he is Upper-Class English from the twangy accent he was doing.
He was wearing a white singlet/wifebeater and had dirt smudged on his face and arms. He had the crowd in fits of laughter, especially when he voiced the woman and made ridiculous facial expressions.
After the performance the cast came out the stage door, and Hiddle came out last. Freshly showered, with his hair still dripping wet. He was so lovely, and was grinning and talking to everyone.
Because it was his birthday the previous day, I’d gotten him a gift and left it with reception. But reception hadn’t given it to him. I said, “Hi,” to Hiddles, and he was like, “Hello!” and I was like, “Um, sorry, but um, I got you a gift-” and he’s like, “A present?!” and I was like, “Yeah, for your birthday, um, but…” and he’s like, “Aw, that is so sweet,” and I was like, “I gave it to reception, but…” and he’s like, “That is so sweet of you, I’ll go get it when I can. Is that okay?” and I thought it was a rhetorical question [because my brain and heart were going a million miles] so I just grinned in the goofiest manner possible because I am a giant dork, and then he leans down and is like, “Is that alright?” and I was like, “Yes, of course,” [cue: dorky grin again] and he’s like, “Are you sure?” and I’m like, “Yeah, yeah, of course,” and he’s like, “Thank-you,” and I’m like, “You’re welcome,” and he said thank-you to me again, and he was just so goddamn lovely, sweet and genuine. I also said, “Sorry, I’m trying to move out of the way,” to the girl behind me, and he just laughed and said something about there not really being any room to move.
Also, Hiddles then went back into reception and got the present, along with two others from some other lovely Hiddlestoners I’d met, and instantly opened the bags they were in, but because they were wrapped he couldn’t see much, ha. He took them with him in his car, as he left the venue. It was hilarious because one particular gift was quite cumbersome and he was struggling to hold the three bags, and took to using the large one one as a makeshift desk, against his leg, for signing and kind of stood on one foot, and leaned it on his hip.
Video of Tennesse accent
on my tumblr.
So the tl;dr of it is, Hiddles called me sweet and got my birthday present to him. I am pleased with this. Tremendously.