Блогатон 2012!

Jun 01, 2012 15:45

Дорогие друзья!

Как вы помните, всю зиму и весну мы проводили отличный (и очень увлекательный не только для участников, но и для читателей) конкурс на лучший блог среди преподавателей английского языка Blogathon!

Более 60 смелых учителей английского из России боролись за призовые места на сайте TeachingEnglish, а всего было опубликовано более 1700 постов! А самое главное - многие блоги продолжили свою "жизнь", и теперь на TeachingEnglish отличная площадка, где учителя обмениваются опытом и забавными историями о своих учениках :)

Наконец наступил самый приятный момент - дарить подарки победителям!

Блог Виктории Останковой был признан самым интересным и полезным, мы дарим ей iPad 2!

«Blogathon-2012 was a big challenge and a great experience at the same time! I can not say it was easy for me. Choosing interesting topics to discuss, keeping up with the comments, and also, commenting on the other teachers' blogs took all my time, but in the end, it was all worth it!  I've made a HUGE step onwards and towards my professional development!»

Светлана Боголепова заняла второе место и получает электронную книгу!

«Participating in Blogathon was a great experience for me. Why was it?
When you see your thoughts put in words, you may look at them at a different angle, reconsider something you have been convinced about. Therefore, a blog is a great reflection tool. After discovering something new of unusual, have you ever had a feeling that you need to talk about it? I have. And did it there, as a blog is a commnicative tool.
Do you like to give and getpresents? I do. I shared and others shared with me, presents every day! So, I got a taste of blogging! And I'll go on with it!»      
А бронза досталась сразу 5 участникам - их мы наградили книгами!

Анна Лещенко

«Я узнала о блогатлоне случайно прямо перед его началом и даже не ожидала, что увлекусь и стану призёром.  Думаю, самое интересное и неожиданное было в том, что в блогах других преподавателей было много находок и подсказок, которые можно было тут же попробовать на практике. Я уже много лет работаю репетитором, после блогатлона задумалась о том, чтобы стать профессиональным учителем английского и начать преподавать в группах. Поздравляю всех призёров!»

Евгения Зимина

Оксана Хрущева

«Blogathon2012 is associated in my mind with many different things: intelligence, usefulness, friendship, support, etc. It has become the brightest and the most original competition in my teaching career; it's a window to the world of experience and professionalism; it's my personal breakthrough. 
The idea of Blogathon is innovative and provides its participants with valuable opportunities of communication with highly qualified colleagues,experience sharing,getting their advice,praise and criticism in a modern on-line form»

Михаил Мамаев

«It’s been a pleasure taking part in this state-of-the-art competition. It really proves that modern technologies can be useful and rewarding for EFL teachers. It gave me the opportunity to see that I actually can create something (or just tell somebody about something) that can be interesting to my colleagues. Moreover, it turned out to be a fine opportunity to promote the international BritLit project on the British literature. 
Secondly, it's been a pleasure to discuss many serious topics with teachers all over the world and find myself the part of an international community. The main feature of this event is certainly getting feedback and it’s been awesome communicating from colleagues from Russia and abroad.
Thirdly, there's a great amount of knowledge I've got from the Blogathon so far: new methods, professional literature, useful blogs. It really illustrates that this event can be treated as a launching pad for some extraordinary ideas in English teaching and this helps better understand the role of foreign languages in our modern world»       

А «Самым активным читателем» стала Елена Никитина

«In the morning today I told my friend, a Maths teacher, about our Blogathon - about my new friends, about all these interesting questions, useful details we are speaking about. She envied us. I said her that the results would be announces soon and that the most important result is the communication itself. And now I can repeat it again. Though it helps to feel even happier to know that very respectful people think that I am an Energiser. Thank you SO much. I will definitely continue my blogathon. Now it's a necessary part of my professional life»

blogathon 2012, english, Английский, конкурс

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