spare a moment?

Oct 22, 2008 23:33

Hey guys,

I have entered 2 videos in the invent the future contest. Here:

Could you do me a HUGE favour?

It will take you maximum of 2 minutes total!

1. Go to
2. Register to Vote
3. Go to and vote for this video. (Grow Your Own Food!)
4. Go to and vote for this video. (Water Deferral System)

You vote by clicking the stars at the bottom of the page. Make sure you give us 5 stars!!! <3

The second video I asked you to vote for is in 4th place!! I'd LOVE to bump it up to first! If I get first I could win an iPod Touch.

Just remember, if you were in a contest, I would vote for you!

Also, just so everyone knows, invent the future will not spam you unless you sign up for the newsletter and you could win an iPod Nano by registering to vote. You would be helping me win some cool prizes as well!

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