Oct 04, 2004 16:09
hey every 1
so school was oki even though i really really need help on my math i just wanna brake down and cry i get so frustrated with it grrrrr ....well tonight me and jessica are going to go and look at a hip hop class and join in which should be fun but scary so wish me luck
i think i have been bit by a spider like on the very top og my leg by my butt lol and it hurts so bad :-( trust stuff like this to happen to me!!!
yea so nick and his g/f are doing so gr8...i wonder where my guys is i think he got lost and is too stuborn to ask for directions haha ill just keep telling myself that for now ....
ok well i gotta get ready to go out c ya all u sexy people u know who u are !!!!
melanie,kelly,m.j haha miss ya elkie
mel elkie and britt b.f.4.e