Sep 09, 2007 17:06
I'm trying really hard to keep up with this thing but life just keeps getting in the way.
Lots of things have happened in the past couple of months, I got somewhat of a promotion at work, which was great. well it came with a lot more work anfd hassle but i'm proving that i can handle it so i suppose it has its positives.
My best friend at work had her baby, little leah she is absolutely gorgeous and loves her Auntie Fi lol although interestingly since she is breastfed whenever you hold her and she is hungry she keeps going for your boobs lol
The boy that was making life complicated is now well and truly out the picture which I couldn't be happier about, it just wasn't worth it after a while.
Oh I have to wear glasses now, as i'm officially blind, well maybe not blind but was definitely struggling, however they don't look that awful so i'm not too worried about it
I went on holiday last week, and had a wonderful time, with all the swimming and the beaches and the fudge and ice cream and proper seaside fish and chips it was great. Actually more needed then I realised, things had been going rapidly ownhill without me realising and everything was slipping beyond my control. Things are better now though, for now that is before i go back to work.
Oh part of me getting me life back on track was starting college, granted its only night school and i have to do double the work then going to school fulltime but this way i don't have to give up work, so i'm ..... happy yes really happy at the minute.
wow i'm not sure that this all makes much sense, but its just the way things have been the past few months.
Well wishes to all