Aug 06, 2018 14:29
I wanted to place a story idea on kinnetik dreams for a plot bunny. I got as far as realizing that I had to have an account in order to so. I set one up, using the password I use for my live journal account, only to have it say that the "password doesn't match the one in our database". So I set a new password, and using the one I received through my email, I got the same message as before. After trying this 3 more times and getting the same response, I'm at a loss as to what to do. I have a kick-ass idea for a very angsty story, one that will redefine an author who is able to write with a disturbing intensity and go into another worldly manner, probably one where very few authors are able to write. I have actually dreamed about the plot of this story, as ludicrous as that sounds. PLEASE, can somebody help me accomplish this password feat, so I can get my story idea out there.
I appreciate any help someone can give me.
Thanks so much for your help, Cathy