Oct 20, 2009 12:52
Have I talked about how much Rock Band I've been playing lately? Probably?
I gotta shake things up! I gotta get things done! Right? Right!
I'm pretty happy with my room overall. I have a table against the window that is currently covered in debris from the art projects that I was working on. I have flannel sheets once again! They are so warm! I am so cozy in my bed! Which is a conundrum at times, because then I am having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning because my body is unwilling to trade cozy nest for biting cold. Not that the apartment is particularly cold (I live with the biggest wusses ever! We all went to high school in the southern part of the US) but it's all relative, you know? And my bed is SO COZY.
I've been working out. It's very hard. I am not really a fan, overall. BUT, I have to admit that I feel really jazzed up afterwards, and I do stuff like clean and cook healthy meals and drink lots of water. But the downside is like today, it's an off day, and I hurt like a mo'fo! There are a total of TWO parts of my body that don't ache right now! TWO! my calves and my neck! My calves are already pretty rocking from a summer of biking everywhere.
Follow through is still hard. BUT HOWEVER I am still going to Second City writing classes. I just need to work on DOING something with all that writing. SIGH.
Boys still confound me. Nothing new on that front. A co-worker pointed out that I should stop bothering with "boys" and start looking for "a man." I guess. I mean, that makes sense. Especially when you hear it in the sassy way in which it was said to me. I'm just not sure how much I would have in common with a grown-up, is all. Oh my gosh, I can't believe that I'm twenty-five years old. What's up with that?
And what the duck is up with this weather?! I call shenanigans!
dating is hard,