I love the spring and I loooveeee the world. I can't even get into it.
So heres whats on my brain waves lately.
I'm so sick of being lonely baybah.
One of my best friends has the most perfect boyfriend ever. I shouldn't be jealous because she used to always be there for me. But I am. And now shes always there for him instead... so I can be as jealous as I damn well puhleez.
I don't understand why I'm alone. I'm friendly, and not a slut or a dog. THROW ME AN EFFING BONE PUHLEEZ GOD SIR.
School is over soon! I am happy! I am not doing one more thing until the end!
I don't have a date for prom. Sw33t.
I neeeeedddd to get my hairs did. PRONTO.
Keep the love please.
Not in any oder... from Flordia, Coldplay, Jenny's birthday party, Jer's birtday, a trip to Philly, Multi-asia day, D33 C33 trip, and my prom dress.