Updates coming less frequently lately? Yeah, I'm not sure why that is though.
Monday night Joe [
Jokake] called and asked if I wanted to go to the Lighthouse to meet up with a friend of his that I also went to Highschool with. Joe and I got there around 9:30pm-10pm and got a few pitchers. I really excepted to see Jen and Nicole there which would've been so awkward but Joe said he only knows of them going on Tuesdays and Thursdays so they weren't there...Thankgod.
Rob got there around 10:30-11pm and bought even more pitchers for us. About an hour later Carrie, Mary and Norah (Jones) met us up there also. Rob bought drinks for us pretty much all night, didn't even give us the chance to get up to the bar and get our own. Makes me jealous to see people I graduated with having that much money. What the hell am I doing?
After that we all went back to Robs apartment and hung out for a little bit. Very nice apartment also. We watched the Linkin Park/ Jay Z DVD and I must say..I hate Linkin Park and Im not a fan of Jay Z but together...they're not all that bad :x . I need to go wash my mouth out...
Wednesday night I went to the Boulevard with Joe and Ryan, my mom thought it was weird that I was going with two guys. But it's hard to explain to a mother that it's just Joe and Ryan and it's not like I have a million girl friends running around. But whatever, she got the point.
So James party is tomorrow night. I get off at 8pm, Carrie said she'll get off at 10 so Im guessing that means 11 and after that we'll be on our way.
Amanda took one of my suggestions and named one of her very adorable, cute, want to eat it up, rats for me. Everyone..Meet Hermies!!