Hope everyone had a fun and safe New Years. It didn't feel like New Years to me at all, even during the countdown.
Mary picked me up a little after 6pm and we stopped by Carries house because Eric wanted us to buy his friends alcohol. It's New Years so I figured what the hell. So we got the money and headed to Jungle Jims for their alcohol. We got back to them at almost 7pm because everyone and their mom was out buying liquor.
After that we went and got the hotel rooms for the night. We ended up getting the Howard Johnson in Springdale, the one we had planned on getting. We paid for 2 joining, 2 bed rooms. After that Mary, Christina and I all stopped by our houses so we could get our things for the night because we thought we'd actually be able to get ready at the hotel :/. It took a lot longer than we expected and by the time we got back to the hotel at 9:15 everyone was there outside waiting on us.
By 11pm everyone had finally showed up..minus a few people like the girls from my work, Richie and my Amber :( :::sad face, sad face::. The ball dropped and hour later and like I said, it still didnt feel like New Years. It felt like I was just at a hotel with a bunch of people just having a random party.
A little while later Opie got the brilliant idea to rip out pages of the bible and stick them all over the walls. It was kinda....creepy and I felt really bad about it. I felt even worse after I stuck a few up there myself :/.
At about 12:30pm a couple people decided to walk across the street and go get some more beer. On their way back over they just climbed through the window since our hotel room was right in the back where the parking lot was. After everyone was in and settled again we looked outside and saw that there was a cop sitting right outside our window and he had seen the entire thing. Someone starts banging on the door really loud after that so we knew it was cops. We answered it and it definitely was :(. She came in and asked for everyone's I.Ds, the people who were underage either said they didn't have theirs or weren't drinking. Then she kept asking who's room this was. It was mine. With the bible shit all over the wall and minors in the room I wasn't about to claim it. They asked us all to leave after that because we were being kicked out of the room.
Ryan and I were the first ones out. Since neither of us drove (or were in the state of mind to drive) we took off walking towards his house. I had to end up crashing there last night. Just sucks that everything had to happen so early :(.
Eventhough it sounds like the worst New Years ever, I actually had a lot of fun...cops and all. It definitely wasn't the best New Years Ive ever had but it definitely wasn't the worst. It's stories...
A few other things..Dave also called last night. I was so fucking happy to talk to him because I didn't actually think I'd be able to. I knew he'd be out so there was no way of me calling him and I really didn't expect him to call me. Im really glad he did though.
I was thinking about it to the other night. In the 5 years that Adam and I had been friends, we had never spent a New Years together. The reason for this is because we always manage to get into a fight before Christmas and it usually lasted through the New Years. It's so weird, it's literally been a pattern for 5 years for us to not be speaking on New Years. It's crazy how shit happens. Ugh.
Bible page mural
Opies brilliant idea to stick pages of the bible all over the wall...:/ I feel so dirty...
Ryan jammin in his corner, no one else seems to be jammin with him :/