Jan 13, 2009 13:13
Trav and I have been great lately.
Its interesting to see how things have been working out, once I started to FORCE myself to chill out. And not react irrationally to EVERYTHING that he says thats offensive or irritating.
We have been making with the intimacy a lot, and I think its helping us both to connect with each other more. We hadn't been making with the intimacy really, mostly because I'm not good with the whole spontaneity thing. I just really like things to be sort of routine, and when it comes to sex and routine I guess thats a bad thing.
I dunno.
I had something REALLY fucking tasty the other day though, we went to Meadows Shopping center, and at Royal Mandarin there, they have these new drinks. Bubble teas. I'd heard of them before, but never had the guts to try them. I guess Trav tried them one time while he was at work and loved them so wanted me to try them. Hence we went to Meadows. Anyway, we got one of them, with green tea, and Honeydew flavoring and it was seriously one of the most delicious things I've tasted in a long time.
Also, for some reason, Jeremey and Zero and Trav thing its a good idea to move to Michigan. And I'll be honest I'm not totally opposed to the idea. I want to get out of Terre Haute, and have wanted to for as long as I can remember. However, I'm not too keen on the idea of living with Zero. Jeremey on the other hand, I think could handle living with Trav and I. But Zero, well lets just think about this. I'm not quite sure if I ever blogged about how he has a tendancy to not clean up after himself from the last time he lived with Trav and I. But really..it was rather fucking disgusting. But we'll see.
I'm just excited about the idea, let alone if it ever really became a reality.
My Dad would be really upset.
I'm not even going to think about what would happen with Megpie.
We'd probably die.
Both she and I.
But I want more that this, and as my vaginal soulmate, I'm sure she could understand and accept that over time.
Trav and I are going to have SHIT ton of money on Friday. He's getting two of his bonuses from work, plus his regular pay check, and I get paid this Friday too. So needless to say I'm going shopping. Lol.
I would really like to buy a few new bras.
But besides frivolity, I'm probably going to try and get my car looked at on Friday or Saturday.
And I have to buy stuff for Travs amazing wonderful birthday party, that Megpie helped me plan.
Its going to be GLOW-IN THE DARK themed.
Hes going to love it.
I've got a really fabulous idea planned for his cake too. I think I'm going to try and bake it myself.
So yeah, I guess lots of exciting stuff is happening soon.
I'm just glad Trav and I are okay.
For about a minute there last week, I was feeling really disconnected from him.
But not so much now. I'm feeling pretty at peace with things.
So thats good. :)