Aug 20, 2008 21:31
This child has the most amazing ability to make me want to burst into tears, die in a fit of giggles and rip my hair out all at the same moment.
It's been a while since I've had a good "Cole Story" but this one makes up for it.
As of late, we've discovered that Cole really likes to play the Bob the Builder computer game Jeff found for him online. When he's playing, you can get TONS of stuff done so that was my game plan for the day...sit Cole with Bob and take Madi up with me so I could clean house.
All is quiet...almost TOO quiet and all you Mommas out there know what THAT means. So I call down "Cole? What are you doing?" to which I receive a moment's hesitation followed by "I don't know" and THAT is NEVER a good line in my house coming out of my child's mouth. "I don't know" literally translates to "Something I know I probably shouldn't be doing and if you come see what it is right now, I have a feeling there's a time out in my near future".
Sure enough!
I come down and Cole is running out of the laundry room (where the litter box and cat stuff is) and says (very proudly, I might add) "I feeded the kitties!".
Smile. Nod. Bottle impending rage. Check out situation.
There's a pile of cat food mixed with kitty litter (added fiber, I'm guessing?) in the middle of the laundry room floor. And on the dryer. And on the washer. And on the deep freezer. And under Jeff's tool bench. And behind the door.
Turn around to find Cole with the kitty litter scoop in hand. My germ-dar went off the ricter scale, folks. Poor Cole burst into tears when I snatched in from him and practically threw him in the bathroom to scrub his hands clean.
Ok. Crisis everted? No such luck! I'm on the phone with Kelly at the time and grumbling about what Cole did and happened to mutter something along the lines of "Oh there's another spot!" when Cole pipes up "I feeded them in my house too, Mommy!" Again, way too proud of himself in this situation.
I cautiously poke my head into Cole's playhouse tent thingy to find 2 more piles of cat food/kitty litter...this one complete with fossilized cat poop. Mm mm good! NOT! I shoot Cole "the look" and make a mental note to get the vaccuum out when Madi gets up and do a quick sweep around the rec room. I don't SEE any other piles, but I know my child is crafty...
"Did you feed the kitties anywhere else?"
"Um...I don't know" (see? never a good line)
"Are you SURE?"
"Well, just in the toy"
"The toy?"
"Madi's toy. Right here"
He's pointing to Madi's fisher price roll-a-rounds gumball machine that is FULL of litter. ARGH!
After Madi got up, I assaulted my Hoover with the task of sucking up cat feces mixed with Meow Mix and scoopable (and scented!) litter, dust my hands off and sit down to indulge in my newest obsession with the cloth diaper thing when my darling husband announces I missed the big pile under the end table.
FUCK! I have a feeling I'm going to be finding these little "surprises" for a while now and absolutely cannot let Madison out of my sight down here because Lord knows she'll find them first and THAT ain't gonna be pretty!
funny story,