Hello all! I'm new to this community (and actually to Britannia High, I just finished marathoning all nine episodes two days ago :D) and I wrote some fic, and since this seems to be a rarepair I figured I'd post it. I hope you guys enjoy! It's mild femslash, so if you're not into that kind of thing, be warned.
Title: A Matter of Trust
kaedaRating: PG-13
Pairing: Claudine/Lauren
Word Count: 2,408
Warnings: Spoilers for the whole series; mild femslash! References to Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl", totally not meant to be taken seriously since that song annoys the heck out of me - but hey, it was in the show
Summary: Somewhere along the line, Lauren had become Claudine's most important person.
Note: link leads to my writing journal
saucy_kate (
Claudine wasn't about to admit that she'd been eyeing her best friend's form a little too closely lately, and that she was concerned that made her a prime candidate for bicuriosity, so instead she gave Jez her best starlet smile. )
Thank you!