Omg, freaking Amazon Reviewers. Too funny.

Dec 14, 2005 08:58

The Confessions of Nat Turner (1967)
“My great-great-grandfather is not gay! I don’t know why this William Styron is trying to lie on my great-great-grandfather. Needless to say I am a descendant of Nat Turner and it bothers me that this author is trying to lie to make this book more interesting. I cannot say for certainty that my grandfather was not gay or that he didn’t like white women and neither can this author but I can say that Nat Turner was married and had children and I am a descendant of that union! Other than that idiotic portrayal the book was good.”

The following are excerpts from actual one-star reviews of books from Time’s list of the 100 best novels from 1923 to the present.
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