Feb 25, 2009 18:44
When did they extend the run at the Pantages for RENT? Wow. I didn't know it started tomorrow. I just had a friend saying they were going up to rush tonight...haha um shocker when I call them back to tell them its lotto. I'm way jealous that LA gets 11 days and I can't make it. Damn for losing my job and not knowing of this in advance....damn. I wanted to see Cary too!
EDIT: Oh and since I don't have internet at my house...that means I can do stuff I've been putting aside. Although that does not help me with the fact that I need to upload stuff I can't...shit.
EDIT2:RENT IN SAN DIEGO IS RUSH! I don't know if I am happy or am dreading...there's the idea that its not chancing on lotto but there's the dread that it'll be super busy and we're literally going to have to sleep on the pavement Monday night. Although it says people can't line up till noon they've always had that sign and never kept with it. Shit. Shit. Shit.
actor:cary shields,
theatre:rent tour