(no subject)

Nov 08, 2005 16:29

I'm so confused. Boys are confusing.

I just wish someone would TELL

me what I need to do, that would

def. make my life so much easier

--But I know that noone else can

make my choices for me, but geez..

it sure would help a whole whole

lot! lol

Newayz...I did this little 'thingy'

that I got from Ashlyn on MySpace

So just comment! I LOVE YOU!!

Name: brittani

A - Age -15

B - Band listening to right now -Nickelback
C - Crush - hmm? its kinda a secret! lol :)

D - Dad's name- Patrick
E - Easiest person to talk to - Kaylynne, Ashley, Kayla & Jorden

F - Favorite ice cream - Banana Pudding? lol
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears - Bears!
H - Hometown - Corner
I - Instruments- ha, no instruments for me.

J - Junior high - Corner

K - Kids - def. none of those
L - Longest car ride ever - 4 or 5 hours.

M- Mom's name - Tonya

N - Nickname[s] - Brit, Brit-Ho..just w/e ppl like to say at the moment i guess
O - One wish - To find a boy that will make me truly happy

P - Phobia[s]- movies that show things under water..omg it makes me sick..but thats all.

Q - Quote[s] - not sure.. :)

R - Reason to smile - knowing that I have friends and family who are there for me!

S- Size shoe- 7 or 7 1/2

T - Time you woke up today- 6:45

U - Unknown fact about me- there really isnt anything..

V - Vegetable[s]- i guess all of them?? lol weird Q..:)
W - Worst habit - playing with my hair and saying 'like' WAY too much

X - X-rays you've had - 1 (i was so scared)
Y - Years since you've been to church- umm..try days? lol def. NOT years
Z - Zodiac sign - aries, biotch :)
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