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Jan 06, 2005 16:24

Well I havent updated in god only knows how long soo where do I begin..

Ok lets start with Christmas I had a pretty good Christmas...I got most of the things thats I wanted..then Me Nicole Katie and Rachael went to the mall and bought mad stuff...I spent 200 dollars in like 1 hour...I got a lot of stuff I guess though..then for like a week straight me and Nicole hung out with Nick and Dakota..everything was great until Thursday the day before New Years Eve...Me and Nicole were watching CSI and we see a commercial about a shooting in North Ft. Myers then I get a call from my mom telling me to watch the news at 11:00 because the shooting had to do with my family...this whole thing started because my cousin Sara and her friend Dara were walking down Sara's street and some dudes beat the crap out of them and tried to rape them, but they got away...Sara told my cousin Robbie(her brother) and he got a bunch of his friends and they went over to North Ft. Myers to where the kids were and thats when what started as an arguement turned into Lashard getting killed...it was my cousin Robbie...my cousin Shawn...my cousin Noel...Pop..and Rashard that went over there...my aunts truck got all shot up..then Nick and Dakota came over when I had just found out and they wanted to hang out so I went and hung out with them trying to get all that crap off of my mind..I went by myself cuz Nicole didnt want to go...stuff happened over there then I went home...the next morning I went babysitting with Nicole...while babysitting I get another call from my mom..I could tell by the tone in her voice that what she was going to tell me wasn't going to be good...I thought it was something to do with what happened the night before...but it wasn't...my mom said I don't think you can sleep out tonight becuz we are leaving for Georgia in the morning..Im' like why are we going to Georgia...shes like becuz your Aunt Georgie passed away this morning I was like OMG your freaking kidding me could this week get any worse...so I go to Georgia where my whole family was at and we were there for 3 days..that wasn't very much fun...but yeah then I came home and had to take freaking exams in school...grrr...I hate exams..my spanish..intergrated science..and history were really hard..that leaves me here watching full house...lol..well I think I have covered almost everything so im going to go.....ttul...
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