(no subject)

Nov 28, 2004 11:12

1. Been Kissed: yes

2. Done drugs: yes

3. Eaten an entire box of Oreos? no

4. Eaten sushi? no

5. Been on stage: yeah

6. Been dumped: no

7. Has someone been unfaithful to you: not that i kno of

8. Gotten in a car accident: yeah
9. Cold or hot: cold

10. Blue or Red: blue

11. Rain or snow: snow

12. Give or receive: both .

13. Wool or cotton: cotton

14. Rose or daisy: roses

15. Private school or public school: public

16. Chocolate or plain milk: chocolate

17. Celsius or Fahrenheit: F

18. Spring or fall: fall

19. History or Science: nether

20. Math or English: nether

21. Alternative or Country: country i love country
Opposite sex
22. Do you like someone right now from the opposite sex? yeah

23. Do they know? yeah

24. What do you look for in a woman or man? good personality..outgoing..nice..hott
Within the last 24 hours
25. Had a serious talk? nope

26. Hugged someone? nope

27. Gotten along with your parents? yeah

28. Fought with a friend? just play fight
Do you like to
36. Give hugs? depends on who the person is

37. Give back rubs? no but dakota always makes me grr

38. Take walks in the rain? no not really

39. What WILL you do this summer? donno
Have you Ever
49. Been to a concert: nope

50. Loved someone so much it made you cry: yeah

51. Cheated on a test: yeah

52. Bought something and then saw it cheaper somewhere else? yeah

55. Single or Hooked: single

56. Do you have any anniversaries? yeah me and nicoles friendship lol 9-29-03

57. Parents anniversary? yeah what about it?

58. Who is your biggest crush: kenny

59. If you were gonna go out with anyone who would it be: kenny

60. Have you had a bf/gf: yeah

61. Have you ever had an online relationship? yeah lol **************************************************************
62. What is your worst habit: bittin nails

63. What really makes you mad: gay people

64. Scariest moment: donno

65. Happiest moment: donno

66. Do you swear too much: sometimes

67. Do u dress like a slut/prep/snob/sporty/or just plain: myself
69. When was the last time you showered? last night

70. What color pants do you have on right now? i have shorts on

71. What song are you listening to right now? im watchin the sweetest thing

72. What is the last thing that you said? what

73. What is your computer desk made of? wood

74. What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?: 2536 cell 9143 house

75. What was the last thing you ate? bagel

76. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? orange

77. Who would you want to spend the rest of your life with: kenny

78. Do you have a lava lamp? yeah

79. How many buddies do you have on your list? online right now 15

80. What did you do last night? hung out with nicole

81. Last person that you talked to on the phone? dakota

82. What's the nicest thing you find about the opposite sex? personality

83. Who do you admire most? donno

85. How do you eat an OREO? i take it apart and eat the inside first or i dip it in milk

86. Fav M&M? peanut m&m's

87. Who makes you happy? my friends and kenny

88. Fave CD? donno

89. Height? 5'1 i think lol

90. Are you a loser? sure why not

91. Last CD you bought: donno nicole burns cds for me

92. Have you ever won any special awards? i won a bike once in a raffle drawing in NY

93. What do you want to be when you grow up? doctor

94. What are your future goals: to be rich and be with the one that makes me happy

95. If you were an animal what would you be? nicole says i would be a cat

01. Full Birth Name: Brittany Rose Brannen

02. Hair Color: blonde
03. Eye Color: blue
04. Height Currently: 5'1
05. Glasses/contacts: no
06. D/O/B.: 12/20/88
07. StarSign: sagatarius
08. ???
09. Siblings: 2
10. Siblings Age: 17 & 12
11. Location: cape coral
12. College Plans: FSU
13. Any Piercing: ears

01. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope
02. Current Crush: kenny
03. Hobbies: soccer hangin out with my friends

04. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: none lol
05. Redeeming qualities: i donnno
06. Are You Timely Or Always Late: timely
07. Do You Have A Job: nope
08. Do You Like Being Around People: depends on the people

01. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: i dont no about loved but i did like
02. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: yeah
03. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: yeah
04. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: yeah
05. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: yeah...dakota..kevin..
06. Are You Lonely Right Now: nope
07. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: no
08. Do You Want To Get Married: not really
09. Do You Want Kids: yeah

Shawn/Sean: my cousin
Steve: my dad
Pat: my grandma
Jennifer: my cousin
Elizabeth: my aunt

01. Room In house: my room
02. Type of music: country...rock
03. Song: i have alotta them
04. Memory: donno
05. Day Of The Week: friday
06. Color: orange
07. Perfume Or Cologne: sext for her
08. Flower: rose
09. Month: december
10. Season: winter
11. Place to be kissed: neck
12. Location for dates: dont matter

01. Cried: nope
02. Bought Something: nope
03. Gotten Sick: nope
04. Sang: yeah
05. Said I Love You: yeah
06. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, but didn't: everyday
07. Met Someone New: nope
08. Moved On: nope
09. Talked To Someone: yeah
10. Had A Serious Talk: nope
11. Missed Someone: yeah
12. Hugged Someone: nope
13. Kissed Someone: nope
14. Fought With Your Parents: not that i remember
15. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: nope
16. Had a lot of sleep: yeah

Getting Personal
What do you want to be when you grow up? doctor
What was the worst day(s) of your life? i dont member
What has been the best day of your life? donno
Do you have a boyfriend, girlfriend? nope
What are you most scared of? being alone

Band/Group: takin back sunday and rascal flatts
Store: aeropostale and jcpenny
Relative: donno
Sport: soccer
Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate
Fruit: everything except kiwi canolope and melon
Car: tahoe
--Have You Ever...--
Been dumped? nope
Dumped Someone? yeah
Hiked a mountain? yeah
Seen the White house? nope only pics
Seen the Eiffel tower? nope
Tried smoking? yeah
Played monopoly? yeah
Seen Titanic? yeah like a 100000 times
Kissed someone? yeah
Jumped on a trampoline? yeah
Visited another country? i was born in germany
Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? yeah
Been on a plane? yeah
Been on a boat? yeah
Been on a train? yeah
Been in a car accident? yeah
Ridden an elephant? noo but that would be fun
Made a web page? yeah
Played with Barbies? yeah
stuff under your bed to make your room look cleaner? yeah
Broken a bone? nope
Call a psychic or sex hotline? yeah
Watched Jerry Springer? yeah
Gotten in trouble for talking in class? yeah
Gotten caught passing notes in class? yeah
Been afraid of the dark? yeah
Been in the hospital(not visiting)? nope
Had stitches? yeah
Dumped someone and regretted it? no dont think soo
Went out with more than one person at a time? nope
Cheated on someone? nope
Been arrested? nope
Fallen asleep in class? nope
Used food for something other than to eat? yeah
Ever Thrown food? yeah
Met a celebrity? nope
Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? yeah
Hated yourself? yeah
Broken someones heart? yeah

~~~~~~Do You~~~~~~
Like to walk in the rain? i like runnin in the rain and playin in the rain not walkin tho
Sleep with or without clothes on? with
Prefer black or blue pens? ether
Dress up on Halloween: yeah
Like to travel? yeah love too
Like someone? yeah
Do they know? yeah
Sleep on your side?: yeah
Think your attractive?: i dont no do u??
Want to marry?: no not really
Who?: donno
Alaska or Hawaii?: ether
Are you a good student?: yeah grade wise at least
Are you currently in a relationship?: nope
Are you involved in sports: i will be
Christmas or Halloween?: both
Color or black-and-white photos?: color
Do long distance relationships work?: nope
Do you believe in astrology?: yeah
Do you believe in love at first sight? yeah
Do you consider yourself the life of the party?: depends
Do you drink?: sometimes
Do you have a car?: i wish
Do you have a job?: i wish
Do you make fun of people?: all the time
Do you think dreams eventually come true?: sometimes but mostly no
Fave thing to do?: talk..annoy nicole..crack on people
Fave. breakfast food? cereal
Fave. Candy?: all candy
Fave. Vacation spot?: NY
Favorite body part of the opposite sex: stomach..lips..and haha lol
Go to the movies or rent?: rent
Have you ever moved?: yeah
Have you ever stolen anything (from a store): yeah
How's the weather right now?: sunny and nice
Hug or kiss?: both
Last person you talked to on the phone?: dakota
Last time you showered?: last night
Loud or soft music?: loud
McDonalds or Burger King?: burger king
More romantic; baths or shower?: baths
Night or day?: night
Number of Pillows?: 3
Piano or guitar?: nether
Read or write?: write
Single or taken?: single
Snow or water?: snow
What clothes are you wearing? red cheerleadin shorts n a spongebob shirt
What's on your computer screen: this survey
What's right next to you?: nicole
What's your bedtime?: whenever i go to sleep
What's your best physical feature? i donno
What's your name backwards?: ynattirb
When do you get up in the morning?: for school 5:45 weekends whenever
Who do you talk to the most online?: alyssa nicole
Is this survey too long? yeah
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