Mar 21, 2005 08:44
so yeah.... Everything has been happening so quick since me and Rick broke up. But this is one of the opportunities where change is not a bad thing. Not a bad thing at all!!! Work is going good, even though they sometimes screw me out of hours sometime, but other than that pretty good. Realaltionship are nonexiting but not because they are not there but because I dont want anything, I want to be single and free. Rick recently has a new girlfriend and he felt the need to go around and be very 12 year olds about the whole situation. He decided to go around and tell all of my friends so that when it gets back to me he knows for sure it did and he can get feedback, pretty pittyfull huh?? Good luck to his next girlfriend. Maybe she will join the nose club if she isnt already apart of that one. LOL!!
So I dyed my hair, yes AGAIN it looks really good. It is brown again and I am loving it. By the time I go to the beach in a week and a half I will not be looking through these glasses I will have contacts. I CANT WAIT!! I am going to the beach with Brittany Durham and Laycee Holmes. I am going to have so much fun during spring break. I get my license so soon!!! I can wait for that either. Things have been going great for the longest time and it is kinda scary. I wander what is going to happen. I have a new look and a new outlook on life. It is GREAT.