My brain is working.... I think???

Nov 23, 2004 10:08

Does every teenager go through the whole "party stage."

Do we all have to have our drunken nights and our "man I was so stoned!" nights?

You look around at out school and then the place that we leave in and you realize that almost everyone here are stoners or drinkers?

Do they ruin the fun for us when we try to go drinking by telling their stories?

I dont know that more I think about partying and drinking/smoking the more I fill like i am not missing anything. I have done my partying stages and I have even been messed up on so much shit. Went to partys and had a blast but then when all the clouds rolled out, I really regreded everything that had happened at the party. I was talking to Rick, which he has aleady had his party time, about the whole me and partying issue and was telling him that if I didnt party anymore or any on the weekends or whatever that I wouldnt really feel like I would be missing out on the "teenager life." Most kids go out almost every weekend and smoke or drink and do some stupid shit but I dont know it kind of feels like I have wasted all the party nights I could have had. Its like I am burned out by the whole party sence. Smoking and drinking is something that I have done one more than the other and everytime had fun (except for the sniffing muscle relaxers time) but now when I have to opportunity to do anything, it isnt really that big of a deal. I am sure a party every now and then would be straight but to party every night or every weekend is just something that I would get bored of.

Maybe I will change my mind in college but right now party life is being retired. For now!!!

Smart or not!!! 
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