Nov 19, 2004 10:03
Its so funny how that just yesterday all that sure thoughts that I had in my head had been earsed because of the one guy I loved. He made me think that life and loved were complelty different then what I had been making my life and my new love to be.
Yesterday I called Billy to talk to him and his mom answered the phone and told me that he got locked up last night sometime around 2 in the morning! He had been drinking and got in trouble and started to run from the cops. We talked for a little bit and I asked her if Billy had told her that he asked me back out and she said no. But the day before (the day he asked me out) he said that he told mom about it. He had lied to me!! GO FIGURE! I thought that he had change this time but maybe not! He kept calling me from jail but I didnt except any of them!
Knowing that he was in jail and that he had lied to me about a little thing like telling his mom that he still wants to be with just goes to show that he hasnt changed at all and knowing him he has lied to me about other things too. But I dont know! All I know is that now that I have found this out I just realized that maybe Rick means more to me than what I have been thinking for past couple of days. So I think that I am just going to stay happy with Rick and if we break up then I can think about Billy and his confusion.