Life going good till the one things crashes me down again!!

Nov 17, 2004 10:20

I was sitting in my room yesterday waiting on Rick to call me back from work and I got a phone call. It was from Billy and he sounded like he was in a good mood. Since he was in a good mood I wanted to talk to him just to see how things were going with him. SO we were talking and everything was great and he started talking about me and him dating again. And was wandering if I was to ever break up with Rick for him.  I couldn't believe that he was asking me this. This coming from a guy that hated me and everything about unless he wanted a piece of ass. He was serious about it and was talking to me like he actually gave a crap about me.

We were getting off of the phone and all he could say was "Think about and let me know." He kept saying it over and over again. When he called me back he was still talking about it and all I could say was that he would have to work very hard to ever be with me again. But that he would have to wait untio me and Rick broke up if we did.

It was crazy!!!! It drove me crazy all day. Billy said that when I told him "NO" that it hurt his feelings and all I could say was "Payback is a bitch isnt it." Maybe that wasnt the right thing to say but it sure did feel good. I felt bad all day. I felt like I had done something wrong by even thinking about it! I just thought that I was doing Rick wrong. I didnt tell him and I dont know if I am or not. People are telling me that I am not doing anything wrong. But I dont know because Rick is such a good guy and I would be so stupid to screw it up just because Billy.

So here I am stuck between an old lover and a new love!!! It sucks ass!!! HELP!!!

For all of you that read this that think I am a dumbass for even thinking about it, yeah I know, but what am I supposed to do. Loves goes deeper than time can prevail. Broken hearts haev healed and I have pretty much forgot about all the heartbreaks. But that doesnt mean that I am going to lose the love I have now!!
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