Oct 29, 2003 21:06
Hey guys...it's pretty rare that I post in here I guess...but what the heck. It's late and I have nothing better to do. Well...I was talking to Erich on the phone, which I seem to be doing a lot now. It's cool to have a friend that's a guy for once. Or at least a close friend. I'm making too many friends with girls...which a lot of people would argue is a good thing and that more guys should have girl friends, but seriously, this has been my whole life. I mean, I even talk like a girl. And I'll admit that! BUT I CAN'T HELP THAT, and no one understands. They all just assume I'm gay. Which brings me back to Erich. He was telling me about how all of the people that I used to hang out with all constantly talk about how gay I am. That really hurts...and no one can understand. NO ONE CAN. No one has this same problem. No one is constantly talked about behind their back about their sexuality. I mean, shouldn't I have a say? Can't I tell MY version of the story? Of course not....It's like people want me to jump up and say "you're right, I AM gay" so they'll have something else to talk and gossip about. My school is so sick. I hate it so much...if only I didn't have to go. But then I wouldn't get to see all of my friends...and I really appriciate all of the friends I have now. The two I most appriciate are Erin and Erich. They actually care enough to call me and include me in things that they do...and it's so nice to be included and not have to try and hang out with the people you know talk about you behind your back...or to just not talk to anyone. But Kaleb and Lukas are really good friends too, just it doesn't seem like they're as close. I don't know...I'm just a little mad about what Erich told me. But it's not like I didn't know anyway. Well I'm sure you all don't really care about my complaints about life and school...just to let you all know what I have to go through every day of my life. Well...
Bye ;)