Senate Inquiry into the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009
On 25 June 2009 the Senate voted to send the
Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009 to an inquiry.
The Bill was lodged in the Senate the day before by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young.
The Bill seeks to amend the federal Marriage Act so that same-sex partners are able to marry in Australia, and to recognise same-sex marriages legally entered into overseas.
The inquiry will be conducted by the Senate's Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee. Submissions are being received until Friday 28 August 2009 with the inquiry due to report by 26 November 2009.
In 2004, an inquiry into the Howard Government’s ban on same-sex marriage received more submissions than any other Senate inquiry in history; 13,000 against same-sex marriage and 3000 in favour. Please join us in ensuring that the balance of submissions to the 2009 inquiry more accurately reflects majority community support for equality.
Anyone can make a submission, not just those in a same-sex relationship. It is also very important for our politicians to hear from family, friends, work colleagues and other supporters of our community.
Make your submission here You can also email your submission directly to:
Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Marriage Equality Inquiry*
*Be sure to include your name and address, and you must indicate whether your name is to be withheld from publication and whether your submission can be made public.
For more info, see the
AME website; or the
Senate inquiry site.
Please repost!