2013: A new beginning.

Feb 06, 2013 05:09

I got out of work early tonight so I figured I'd check out the old LJ. I'm starting to treat this thing like my actual hand written journal... Overall 2012 was unimpressive... It brought nothing to table for me in terms of immediate change. Things were in the works during 2012 and almost as soon as 2013 hit, changes started immediately. For the first time since I left the state on my cross country whatever, I am on the grid. I have an up to date and valid license, insurance, registered vehicle, the whole bit. I know this is what normal people already have and have had since the start of their adulthood, but I took time away from being an adult, and it took a lot of time and money to right that situation. Still working at IDS only now I am an SMT operator and making very decent money. I recently bought my parent 98 Explorer off of them for cheap, good running vehicle, strong motor, all wheel drive, which is fun. This is the year that I become a true adult. I've been putting it off for far too long. It's a good feeling. I still live in Hamtramck, I love this city to the point where I think I will be here for a while. Actually I'm living with my friend Erica, the one mentioned in my last post. It's okay, I like Erica a lot, but her and I have clashing personalities, so living with her can be a bit stressful from time to time, but she certainly is a better roommate than Jess Martin, whom I have not spoken to since I kicked her out of the last apartment, and I'm totally cool with that. She was a poisonous friend and I could no longer keep her in my life. Sometimes bridges need to be burned.
I plan on getting a place of my own soon enough, but the rent Erica and I split is stupid cheap and it's allowing me a chance to save up a nice hunk of cash. I still have no love interest in my life which I am hoping will change this year as well. 2012 held a couple of prospects but nothing worth the time or effort. I have nothing really creative to write in here this time around, I usually try to get creative with bringing LJ up to speed, but I just didn't feel it this time around. Just your typical "where I am in life" update. I wonder if anyone stills reads this shit? I would probably guess no, which makes it all the better for me actually :-)
Cheers, Briskey.
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